Bode Plotting Functionality for ElectricPy Package.
>>> from electricpy import bode
from cmath import exp as _exp
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
import numpy as _np
import scipy.signal as _sig
from numpy import pi as _pi
from electricpy.math import convolve
# Define System Conditioning Function
def _sys_condition(system, feedback):
if len(system) == 2: # System found to be num and den
num = system[0]
den = system[1]
# Convolve numerator or denominator as needed
if str(type(num)) == tuple:
num = convolve(num) # Convolve terms in numerator
if str(type(den)) == tuple:
den = convolve(den) # Convolve terms in denominator
if feedback: # If asked to add the numerator to the denominator
ld = len(den) # Length of denominator
ln = len(num) # Length of numerator
if ld > ln:
num = _np.append(_np.zeros(ld - ln), num) # Pad beginning with zeros
if ld < ln:
den = _np.append(_np.zeros(ln - ld), den) # Pad beginning with zeros
den = den + num # Add numerator and denominator
for i in range(len(num)):
if num[i] != 0:
num = num[i:] # Slice zeros off the front of the numerator
break # Break out of for loop
for i in range(len(den)):
if den[i] != 0:
den = den[i:] # Slice zeros off the front of the denominator
break # Break out of for loop
system = (num, den) # Repack system
return system # Return the conditioned system
# Define System Bode Plotting Function
def bode(system, mn=0.001, mx=1000, npts=100, title="", xlim=False, ylim=False, sv=False,
disp3db=False, lowcut=None, magnitude=True, angle=True, freqaxis="rad"):
System Bode Plotting Function.
A simple function to generate the Bode Plot for magnitude
and frequency given a transfer function system.
system: transfer function object
The Transfer Function; can be provided as the following:
- 1 (instance of lti)
- 2 (num, den)
- 3 (zeros, poles, gain)
- 4 (A, B, C, D)
mn: float, optional
The minimum frequency to be calculated for. default=0.01.
mx: float, optional
The maximum frequency to be calculated for. default=1000.
npts: float, optional
The number of points over which to calculate the system.
title: string, optional
Additional string to be added to plot titles;
xlim: list of float, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
Default is False.
ylim: list of float, optional
Limit in y-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (ymin, ymax).
Default is False.
sv: bool, optional
Save the plots as PNG files. Default is False.
disp3db: bool, optional
Control argument to enable the display of the 3dB line,
lowcut: float, optional
An additional marking line that can be plotted, default=None
magnitude: bool, optional
Control argument to enable plotting of magnitude, default=True
angle: bool, optional
Control argument to enable plotting of angle, default=True
freqaxis: string, optional
Control argument to specify the freqency axis in degrees or
radians, default is radians (rad)
# Condition system input to ensure proper execution
system = _sys_condition(system, False)
# Condition min and max freq terms
degrees = False
if freqaxis.lower().find("deg") != -1: # degrees requested
degrees = True
# Scale Degrees to Radians for calculation
mn = 2 * _np.pi * mn
mx = 2 * _np.pi * mx
mn = _np.log10(mn) # find the _exponent value
mx = _np.log10(mx) # find the _exponent value
# Generate the frequency range to calculate over
wover = _np.logspace(mn, mx, npts)
# Calculate the bode system
w, mag, ang = _sig.bode(system, wover)
def _plot(plot_title, y_label):
if degrees: # Plot in degrees
_plt.plot(w / (2 * _np.pi), ang)
_plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
else: # Plot in radians
_plt.plot(w, ang)
_plt.xlabel("Frequency (rad/sec)")
if xlim:
if ylim:
if sv:
_plt.savefig(title + ".png")
# Plot Magnitude
if magnitude:
magTitle = "Magnitude " + title
_plot(magTitle, "Magnitude (DB)")
if disp3db:
if lowcut is not None:
# Plot Angle
if angle:
angTitle = "Angle " + title
_plot(angTitle, "Angle (degrees)")
def _magnitude_plot(title, disp3db, lowcut, xlim, ylim, sv):
_plt.title(title + " Magnitude")
if disp3db:
if lowcut is not None:
if xlim:
if ylim:
if sv:
_plt.savefig(title + " Magnitude.png")
def sbode(f, NN=1000, title="", xlim=False, ylim=False, mn=0, mx=1000,
sv=False, disp3db=False, lowcut=None, magnitude=True, angle=True):
S-Domain Bode Plotting Function.
f: function
The Input Function, must be callable function object.
NN: int, optional
The Interval over which to be generated, default=1000
title: string, optional
Additional string to be added to plot titles;
xlim: list of float, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
Default is False.
ylim: list of float, optional
Limit in y-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (ymin, ymax).
Default is False.
mn: float, optional
The minimum W value to be generated, default=0
mx: float, optional
The maximum W value to be generated, default=1000
sv: bool, optional
Save the plots as PNG files. Default is False.
disp3db: bool, optional
Control argument to enable the display of the 3dB line,
lowcut: float, optional
An additional marking line that can be plotted, default=None
magnitude: bool, optional
Control argument to enable plotting of magnitude, default=True
angle: bool, optional
Control argument to enable plotting of angle, default=True
W = _np.linspace(mn, mx, NN)
H = _np.zeros(NN, dtype=_np.complex)
for n in range(0, NN):
s = 1j * W[n]
H[n] = f(s)
if magnitude:
_plt.semilogx(W, 20 * _np.log10(abs(H)), 'k')
_plt.ylabel('|H| dB')
_plt.xlabel('Frequency (rad/sec)')
_magnitude_plot(title, disp3db, lowcut, xlim, ylim, sv)
aaa = _np.angle(H)
for n in range(NN):
if aaa[n] > _pi:
aaa[n] = aaa[n] - 2 * _pi
if angle:
_plt.title(title + " Phase")
_plt.semilogx(W, (180 / _pi) * aaa, 'k')
_plt.ylabel('H phase (degrees)')
_plt.xlabel('Frequency (rad/sec)')
if xlim:
if ylim:
if sv:
_plt.savefig(title + " Phase.png")
def zbode(f, dt=0.01, NN=1000, title="", mn=0, mx=2 * _pi, xlim=False, ylim=False,
approx=False, sv=False, disp3db=False, lowcut=None, magnitude=True,
Z-Domain Bode Plotting Function.
f: function
The Input Function, must be callable function object.
Must be specified as transfer function of type:
- S-Domain (when approx=False, default)
- Z-Domain (when approx=True)
dt: float, optional
The time-step used, default=0.01
NN: int, optional
The Interval over which to be generated, default=1000
mn: float, optional
The minimum phi value to be generated, default=0
mx: float, optional
The maximum phi value to be generated, default=2*pi
approx: bool, optional, callable
Control argument to specify whether input funciton
should be treated as Z-Domain function or approximated
Z-Domain function. default=False
title: string, optional
Additional string to be added to plot titles;
xlim: list of float, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
Default is False.
ylim: list of float, optional
Limit in y-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (ymin, ymax).
Default is False.
sv: bool, optional
Save the plots as PNG files. Default is False.
disp3db: bool, optional
Control argument to enable the display of the 3dB line,
lowcut: float, optional
An additional marking line that can be plotted, default=None
magnitude: bool, optional
Control argument to enable plotting of magnitude, default=True
angle: bool, optional
Control argument to enable plotting of angle, default=True
phi = _np.linspace(mn, mx, NN)
H = _np.zeros(NN, dtype=_np.complex)
for n in range(0, NN):
z = _exp(1j * phi[n])
if approx is not False and callable(approx):
# Approximated Z-Domain
s = approx(z, dt) # Pass current z-value and dt
H[n] = f(s)
else: # Z-Domain Transfer Function Provided
H[n] = dt * f(z)
if magnitude:
_plt.semilogx((180 / _pi) * phi, 20 * _np.log10(abs(H)), 'k')
_plt.ylabel('|H| dB')
_plt.xlabel('Frequency (degrees)')
_magnitude_plot(title, disp3db, lowcut, xlim, ylim, sv)
aaa = _np.angle(H)
for n in range(NN):
if aaa[n] > _pi:
aaa[n] = aaa[n] - 2 * _pi
if angle:
_plt.semilogx((180 / _pi) * phi, (180 / _pi) * aaa, 'k')
_plt.ylabel('H (degrees)')
_plt.xlabel('Frequency (degrees)')
_plt.title(title + " Phase")
if xlim:
if ylim:
if sv:
_plt.savefig(title + " Phase.png")
# End of BODE.PY