LaTeX Support Module to help Generate LaTeX formatted Math Symbols and Formulas.
>>> from electricpy import latex
This module is specifically designed to help create strings that represent LaTeX
formatted formulas, functions, and more for easy printing in tools such as
Jupyter Notebooks.
Built to support operations similar to Numpy and Scipy, this package is designed
to aid in scientific calculations.
import cmath as _c
import numpy as _np
# Define Complex LaTeX Generator
def clatex(val, round=3, polar=True, predollar=True, postdollar=True,
Complex Value Latex Generator.
Function to generate a LaTeX string of complex value(s)
in either polar or rectangular form. May generate both dollar
val: complex
The complex value to be printed, if value
is a list or numpy array, the result will be
demonstrated as a matrix.
round: int, optional
Control to specify number of decimal places
that should displayed. default=True
polar: bool, optional
Control argument to force result into polar
coordinates instead of rectangular. default=True
predollar: bool, optional
Control argument to enable/disable the dollar
sign before the string. default=True
postdollar: bool, optional
Control argument to enable/disable the dollar
sign after the string. default=True
double: bool, optional
Control argument to specify whether or not
LaTeX dollar signs should be double or single,
latex: str
LaTeX string for the complex value.
# Define Interpretation Functions
def polarstring(val, round):
mag, ang_r = _c.polar(val) # Convert to polar form
ang = _np.degrees(ang_r) # Convert to degrees
mag = _np.around(mag, round) # Round
ang = _np.around(ang, round) # Round
latex = str(mag) + '∠' + str(ang) + '°'
return latex
def rectstring(val, round):
real = _np.around(val.real, round) # Round
imag = _np.around(val.imag, round) # Round
if imag > 0:
latex = str(real) + "+j" + str(imag)
latex = str(real) + "-j" + str(abs(imag))
return latex
# Interpret as numpy array if simple list
if isinstance(val, list):
val = _np.asarray(val) # Ensure that input is array
# Find length of the input array
if isinstance(val, _np.ndarray):
shp = val.shape
row, col = shp # Interpret Shape of Object
except ValueError:
row = shp[0]
col = 1
_ = val.size
# Open Matrix
latex = r'\begin{bmatrix}'
# Iteratively Process Each Item in Array
for ri in range(row):
if ri != 0: # Insert Row Separator
latex += r'\\'
if col > 1:
for ci in range(col):
if ci != 0: # Insert Column Separator
latex += r' & '
# Add Complex Represetation of Value
if polar:
latex += polarstring(val[ri][ci], round)
latex += rectstring(val[ri][ci], round)
# Add Complex Represetation of Value
if polar:
latex += polarstring(val[ri], round)
latex += rectstring(val[ri], round)
# Close Matrix
latex += r'\end{bmatrix}'
elif isinstance(val, complex):
# Treat as Polar When Directed
if polar:
latex = polarstring(val, round)
latex = rectstring(val, round)
raise ValueError("Invalid Input Type")
# Add Dollar Sign pre-post
if double:
dollar = r'$$'
dollar = r'$'
if predollar:
latex = dollar + latex
if postdollar:
latex = latex + dollar
return latex
# Define Transfer Function LaTeX Generator
def tflatex(sys, sysp=None, var='s', predollar=True,
postdollar=True, double=False, tolerance=1e-8):
Transfer Function LaTeX String Generator.
LaTeX string generating function to create a transfer
function string in LaTeX. Particularly useful for
demonstrating systems in Interactive Python Notebooks.
sys: list
If provided in conjunction with optional
parameter `sysp`, the parameter `sys` will
act as the numerator set. Otherwise, can be
passed as a list containing two sublists,
the first being the numerator set, and the
second being the denominator set.
sysp: list, optional
If provided, this input will act as the
denominator of the transfer function.
var: str, optional
The variable that should be printed for each
term (i.e. 's' or 'j\omega'). default='s'
predollar: bool, optional
Control argument to enable/disable the dollar
sign before the string. default=True
postdollar: bool, optional
Control argument to enable/disable the dollar
sign after the string. default=True
double: bool, optional
Control argument to specify whether or not
LaTeX dollar signs should be double or single,
tolerance: float, optional
The floating point tolerance cutoff to evaluate
each term against. If the absolute value of the
particular term is greater than the tolerance,
the value will be printed, if not, it will not
be printed. default=1e-8
latex: str
LaTeX string for the transfer function.
# Collect Numerator and Denominator Terms
if isinstance(sysp, (list, tuple, _np.ndarray)):
num = sys
den = sysp
num, den = sys
# Generate String Function
def genstring(val):
length = len(val)
strg = ''
for i, v in enumerate(val):
# Add Each Term to String
if abs(v) > tolerance:
# Add '+' Symbol After Each Term
if i != 0:
strg += r'+'
strg += str(v)
# Determine Exponent
xpnt = length - i - 1
if xpnt == 1:
strg += var
elif xpnt == 0:
pass # Don't Do Anything
strg += var + r'^{' + str(xpnt) + r'}'
return strg
# Generate Total TF String
latex = r'\frac{' + genstring(num) + r'}{'
latex += genstring(den) + r'}'
# Add Dollar Sign pre-post
if double:
dollar = r'$$'
dollar = r'$'
if predollar:
latex = dollar + latex
if postdollar:
latex = latex + dollar
return latex