Simulation Module for Filter and System Simulation for Electrical Engineering.
>>> from electricpy import sim
from warnings import warn as _warn
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
# Import Required External Dependencies
import numpy as _np
import scipy.signal as _sig
from scipy.optimize import newton
from numdifftools import Jacobian as jacobian
except ImportError:
# Import Local Dependencies
from electricpy.bode import _sys_condition
# Define Digital Filter Simulator Function
def digifiltersim(fin, filter, freqs, NN=1000, dt=0.01, title="",
legend=True, xlim=False, xmxscale=None, figsize=None):
Digital Filter Simulator.
Given an input function and filter parameters (specified in
the z-domain) this function will plot the input function over
NN time-steps of an unspecified size (the step-size must be
specified outside the scope of this function). This function
will also plot the resultant (output) function over the NN
time-steps after having been filtered by that filter which
is specified.
The applied filter should be of the form:
.. math:: \frac{b_0+b_1z^{-1}+b_2z^{-2}}{1-a_1z^{-1}-a_2z^{-2}}
Where each row corresponds to a 1- or 2-pole filter.
fin: function
The input function, must be callable with specified
filter: array_like
The filter parameter set as shown here:
.. code-block:: python
[[ a11, a12, b10, b11, b12],
[ a21, a22, b20, b21, b22],
[ ... ],
[ an1, an2, bn0, bn1, bn2]]
freqs: list of float
The set of frequencies to plot the input and output for.
NN: int, optional
The number of time-steps to be plotted; default=1000
dt: float, optional
The time-step size; default=0.01
title: str, optional
The title presented on each plot; default=""
xlim: list, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
xmxscale: float, optional
Scaling limit of the x-axis, will set the maximum of the
x-axis to xmxscale/(dt*freq) where freq is the current
frequency being plotted.
legend: str, optional
An argument to control whether the legend is shown,
figsize: tuple, optional
The figure dimensions for each subplot, default=None
if (figsize != None): _plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
flen = len(freqs)
for i in range(flen):
# Gather frequency
freq = freqs[i]
# Start with arrays set to zero
x = _np.zeros(NN)
y = _np.zeros(NN)
# ----- The input -----
for k in range(NN):
x[k] = fin(k * dt, freq)
# Identify how many rows were provided
sz = filter.size
if (sz < 5):
raise ValueError("ERROR: Too few filter arguments provided. " +
"Refer to documentation for proper format.")
elif (sz == 5):
rows = 1
rows, cols = filter.shape
# Operate with each individual filter set
x_tmp = _np.copy(x)
nsteps = NN - 4
for row_n in range(rows):
row = filter[row_n] # Capture individual row
A1 = row[0]
A2 = row[1]
B0 = row[2]
B1 = row[3]
B2 = row[4]
T = 3
for _ in range(nsteps):
T = T + 1
# Apply Filtering Specified by Individual Row
y[T] = (A1 * y[T - 1] + A2 * y[T - 2] +
B0 * x_tmp[T] + B1 * x_tmp[T - 1] + B2 * x_tmp[T - 2])
# Copy New output into temporary input
x_tmp = _np.copy(y)
# Copy finalized output into *ytime* for plotting
ytime = _np.copy(x_tmp)
# Plot Filtered Output
if (flen % 2 == 0):
_plt.subplot(flen, 2, i + 1)
_plt.subplot(flen, 1, i + 1)
_plt.plot(x, 'k--', label="Input")
_plt.plot(ytime, 'k', label="Output")
if legend: _plt.legend(title="Frequency = " + str(freq) + "Hz")
if xlim != False:
elif xmxscale != None:
_plt.xlim((0, xmxscale / (freq * dt)))
return _plt
# Define Step Response Simulator Function
def step_response(system, npts=1000, dt=0.01, combine=True, xlim=False,
title="Step Response", errtitle="Step Response Error",
resplabel="Step Response", funclabel="Step Function",
errlabel="Error", filename=None):
Step Function Response Plotter Function.
Given a transfer function, plots the response against step input
and plots the error for the function.
system: array_like
The Transfer Function; can be provided as the following:
* 1 (instance of lti)
* 2 (num, den)
* 3 (zeros, poles, gain)
* 4 (A, B, C, D)
npts: int, optional
Number of steps to calculate over; default is 1000.
dt: float, optional
Difference between each data point, default is 0.01.
combine: bool, optional
If combination of numerator and denominator is needed.
This value should be set to "True" if the parts should be
combined to show the complete system with feedback.
title: str, optional
Additional string to be added to plot titles;
xlim: list, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
filename: bool, optional
Control argument to specify whether the plotted
figures should be saved. default=False
# Define Time Axis
TT = _np.arange(0, npts * dt, dt)
# Condition system input to ensure proper execution
system = _sys_condition(system, combine)
# Allocate space for all outputs
step = _np.zeros(npts)
errS = _np.zeros(npts)
# Generate Inputs
for i in range(npts):
step[i] = 1.0
# Simulate Response for each input (step, ramp, parabola)
# All 'x' values are variables that are considered don't-care
x, y1, x = _sig.lsim((system), step, TT)
# Calculate error over all points
for k in range(npts):
errS[k] = step[k] - y1[k]
# Plot Step Response
_plt.plot(TT, y1, 'k--', label=resplabel)
_plt.plot(TT, step, 'k', label=funclabel)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if xlim != False:
_plt.plot(TT, errS, 'k', label=errlabel)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if xlim != False:
if filename != None:
return _plt
# Define Ramp Response Simulator Function
def ramp_response(system, npts=1000, dt=0.01, combine=True, xlim=False,
title="Ramp Response", errtitle="Ramp Response Error",
resplabel="Ramp Response", funclabel="Ramp Function",
errlabel="Error", filename=None):
Ramp Function Response Plotter Function.
Given a transfer function, plots the response against step input
and plots the error for the function.
system: array_like
The Transfer Function; can be provided as the following:
* 1 (instance of lti)
* 2 (num, den)
* 3 (zeros, poles, gain)
* 4 (A, B, C, D)
npts: int, optional
Number of steps to calculate over; default is 1000.
dt: float, optional
Difference between each data point, default is 0.01.
combine: bool, optional
If combination of numerator and denominator is needed.
This value should be set to "True" if the parts should be
combined to show the complete system with feedback.
title: str, optional
Additional string to be added to plot titles;
xlim: list, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
filename: str, optional
File directory/name with which the plotted figures
should be saved. default=None
# Define Time Axis
TT = _np.arange(0, npts * dt, dt)
# Condition system input to ensure proper execution
system = _sys_condition(system, combine)
# Allocate space for all outputs
ramp = _np.zeros(npts)
errR = _np.zeros(npts)
# Generate Inputs
for i in range(npts):
ramp[i] = (dt * i)
# Simulate Response for each input (step, ramp, parabola)
# All 'x' values are variables that are considered don't-care
x, y2, x = _sig.lsim((system), ramp, TT)
# Calculate error over all points
for k in range(npts):
errR[k] = ramp[k] - y2[k]
# Plot Ramp Response
_plt.plot(TT, y2, 'k--', label=resplabel)
_plt.plot(TT, ramp, 'k', label=funclabel)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if xlim != False:
_plt.plot(TT, errR, 'k', label=errlabel)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if xlim != False:
if filename != None:
return _plt
# Define Parabolic Response Simulator Function
def parabolic_response(system, npts=1000, dt=0.01, combine=True, xlim=False,
title="Parabolic Response", errtitle="Parabolic Response Error",
resplabel="Parabolic Response", funclabel="Parabolic Function",
errlabel="Error", filename=None):
Parabolic Function Response Plotter Function.
Given a transfer function, plots the response against step input
and plots the error for the function.
system: array_like
The Transfer Function; can be provided as the following:
* 1 (instance of lti)
* 2 (num, den)
* 3 (zeros, poles, gain)
* 4 (A, B, C, D)
npts: int, optional
Number of steps to calculate over; default is 1000.
dt: float, optional
Difference between each data point, default is 0.01.
combine: bool, optional
If combination of numerator and denominator is needed.
This value should be set to "True" if the parts should be
combined to show the complete system with feedback.
title: str, optional
Additional string to be added to plot titles;
xlim: list, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot. Accepts tuple of: (xmin, xmax).
filename: bool, optional
Control argument to specify whether the plotted
figures should be saved. default=False
# Define Time Axis
TT = _np.arange(0, npts * dt, dt)
# Condition system input to ensure proper execution
system = _sys_condition(system, combine)
# Allocate space for all outputs
parabola = _np.zeros(npts)
errP = _np.zeros(npts)
# Generate Inputs
for i in range(npts):
parabola[i] = (dt * i) ** (2)
# Simulate Response for each input (step, ramp, parabola)
# All 'x' values are variables that are considered don't-care
x, y3, x = _sig.lsim((system), parabola, TT)
# Calculate error over all points
for k in range(npts):
errP[k] = parabola[k] - y3[k]
# Plot Parabolic Response
_plt.plot(TT, y3, 'k--', label=resplabel)
_plt.plot(TT, parabola, 'k', label=funclabel)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if xlim != False:
_plt.plot(TT, errP, 'k', label=errlabel)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if xlim != False:
if filename != None:
return _plt
# Define State Space Simulator
def statespace(A, B, x=None, func=None, C=None, D=None, simpts=9999, NN=10000, dt=0.01,
xlim=False, ylim=False, title="", ret=False, plotstate=True,
plotforcing=None, plotresult=None, filename=None):
State-Space Simulation Plotter.
A: array_like
Matrix A of State-Space Formulation
B: array_like
Matrix B of State-Space Formulation
x: array_like, optional
Initial Condition Matrix, if not provided, will assume
initial conditions of zero.
f: function, optional
State-Space Forcing Function; callable function that
will return any/all forcing function Arguments needed as
array-like object.
Forcing function(s) can be provided as tuple of function
handles, system will automatically concatenate their output
to a matrix that can be handled.
simpts: int, optional
Changes the range of simulation; defualt=9999
NN: int, optional
Number of descrete points; default=10,000
dt: float, optional
Time-step-size; default=0.01
xlim: list of float, optional
Limit in x-axis for graph plot.
ylim: list of float, optional
Limit in y-axis for graph plot.
title: str, optional
Additional String for Plot Title
ret: bool, optional
Control value to specify whether the state space terms should
be returned.
plot: bool, optional
Control value to enable/disable all plotting capabilities.
plotforcing:bool, optional
Control value to enable plotting of the forcing function(s)
plotresult: bool, optional
Control value to enable plotting of the final (combined) result.
Forcing Functions: The plot of forcing functions, only provided if plotforcing is true.
State Variables: The plot of state variables, always provided if plot is true.
Combined Output: The plot of the combined terms in the output, provided if C and D are not False.
# Define Initial Condition for Solution
solution = 3
# 0=zero-input ( No Forcing Function )
# 1=zero-state ( No Initial Conditions )
# 2=total ( Both Initial Conditions and Forcing Function )
# 3=total, output ( Both ICs and FFs, also plot combined output )
# Tuple to Matrix Converter
def tuple_to_matrix(x, yx):
n = yx(x) # Evaluate function at specified point
n = _np.asmatrix(n) # Convert tuple output to matrix
n = n.T # Transpose matrix
return (n)
# Numpy Array to Matrix Converter
def nparr_to_matrix(x, yx):
n = yx(x) # Evaluate function at specified point
n = _np.asmatrix(n) # Convert _np.arr output to matrix
if n.shape[1] != 1: # If there is more than 1 column
n = _np.matrix.reshape(n, (n.size, 1)) # Reshape
return (n)
# Define Function Concatinator Class
class c_func_concat:
def __init__(self, funcs): # Initialize class with tupple of functions
self.nfuncs = len(funcs) # Determine how many functions are in tuple
self.func_reg = {} # Create empty keyed list of function handles
for key in range(self.nfuncs): # Iterate adding to key
self.func_reg[key] = funcs[key] # Fill keyed list with functions
def func_c(self, x): # Concatenated Function
rets = _np.array([]) # Create blank numpy array to store function outputs
for i in range(self.nfuncs):
y = self.func_reg[i](x) # Calculate each function at value x
rets = _np.append(rets, y) # Add value to return array
rets = _np.asmatrix(rets).T # Convert array to matrix, then transpose
return (rets)
# Condition Inputs
A = _np.asmatrix(A)
B = _np.asmatrix(B)
# Define Tuple of Types For Testing
typetest = (_np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix, _np.ndarray, tuple, list)
# Test for NN and simpts
if simpts >= NN:
_warn("WARNING: NN must be greater than simpts; NN=" + str(NN) +
"simpts=" + str(simpts), " Autocorrecting simpts to be NN-1.")
simpts = NN - 1
# Test for C and D matricies
if isinstance(C, typetest) and isinstance(D, typetest):
solution = 3 # Set to solve and plot complete output
elif isinstance(C, typetest) and not isinstance(D, typetest):
if D is None:
_warn("WARNING: D matrix not provided; D now assumed to be 0.")
D = _np.matrix('0')
solution = 3 # Set to solve and plot complete output
C = _np.matrix('0')
D = _np.matrix('0')
solution = 2
# Condition C/D Matrices
C = _np.asmatrix(C)
D = _np.asmatrix(D)
# Create values for input testing
if callable(func): # if f is a function, test as one
mF = func(1) # f should return: int, float, tuple, _np.arr, _np.matrix
elif isinstance(func, (tuple, list)): # if f is tupple of arguments
if callable(func[0]): # if first argument is a function
c_funcs = c_func_concat(func) # concatinate functions into one
mF = "MultiFunctions" # label as multiple concatenated functions
mF = "NA" # Can't handle function type
mF = "NA" # Can't handle function type
# Test for x input
if not isinstance(x, typetest):
if x is None: # No specified initial conditions
rA = A.shape[0]
x = _np.asmatrix(_np.zeros(rA)).T
# Condition x
x = _np.asmatrix(x)
# Gather dimensions of inputs
rA, cA = A.shape
rB, cB = B.shape
rx, cx = x.shape
rC, cC = C.shape
rD, cD = D.shape
rF, cF = 1, 1 # Defualt for a function returning one value
if isinstance(mF, tuple): # If function returns tuple
fn = lambda x: tuple_to_matrix(x, func) # Use conversion function
rF, cF = fn(1).shape # Prepare for further testing
elif isinstance(mF, _np.ndarray): # If function returns numpy array
fn = lambda x: nparr_to_matrix(x, func) # Use conversion function
rF, cF = fn(1).shape # Prepare for further testing
elif isinstance(mF, (int, float, _np.float64)): # If function returns int or float or numpy float
fn = func # Pass function handle
elif isinstance(mF, _np.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix): # If function returns matrix
fn = func # Pass function handle
rF, cF = fn(1).shape # Prepare for further testing
elif (mF == "MultiFunctions"): # There are multiple functions in one argument
fn = c_funcs.func_c # Gather function handle from function concatenation class
rF, cF = fn(1).shape # Prepare for further testing
elif (mF == "NA"): # Function doesn't meet requirements
raise ValueError("Forcing function does not meet requirements." +
"\nFunction doesn't return data type: int, float, numpy.ndarray" +
"\n or numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix. Nor does function " +
"\ncontain tuple of function handles. Please review function.")
# Test for size correlation between matricies
if (cA != rA): # A isn't nxn matrix
raise ValueError("Matrix 'A' is not NxN matrix.")
elif (rA != rB): # A and B matricies don't have same number of rows
if (B.size % rA) == 0: # Elements in B divisible by rows in A
_warn("WARNING: Reshaping 'B' matrix to match 'A' matrix.")
B = _np.matrix.reshape(B, (rA, int(B.size / rA))) # Reshape Matrix
raise ValueError("'A' matrix dimensions don't match 'B' matrix dimensions.")
elif (rA != rx): # A and x matricies don't have same number of rows
if (x.size % rA) == 0: # Elements in x divisible by rows in A
_warn("WARNING: Reshaping 'x' matrix to match 'A' matrix.")
x = _np.matrix.reshape(x, (rA, 1)) # Reshape Matrix
raise ValueError("'A' matrix dimensions don't match 'B' matrix dimensions.")
elif (cB != rF) or (cF != 1): # Forcing Function matrix doesn't match B matrix
raise ValueError("'B' matrix dimensions don't match forcing function dimensions.")
elif (solution == 3) and (cC != cA) or (rC != 1): # Number of elements in C don't meet requirements
raise ValueError("'C' matrix dimensions don't match state-space variable dimensions.")
elif (solution == 3) and ((cD != rF) or (rD != 1)): # Number of elements in D don't meet requirements
if (cD == rD) and (cD == 1) and (D[0] == 0): # D matrix is set to [0]
D = _np.asmatrix(_np.zeros(rF)) # Re-create D to meet requirements
_warn("WARNING: Autogenerating 'D' matrix of zeros to match forcing functions.")
raise ValueError("'D' matrix dimensions don't match forcing function dimensions.")
# Test for forcing function
if (func is None) and (solution != 0):
solution = 0 # Change to Zero-Input calculation
# Start by defining Constants
T = 0
TT = _np.arange(0, (dt * (NN)), dt)
yout = 0
# Define list of strings for plot output
soltype = ["(Zero-Input)", "(Zero-State)", "(Complete Simulation)", "(Complete Sim., Combined Output)"]
# Create a dictionary of state-space variables
xtim = {}
xtim_len = rA # Number of Rows in A matrix
for n in range(xtim_len):
key = n # Each key should be the iterative variable
xtim_init = _np.zeros(NN) # Define the initial array
xtim[key] = xtim_init # Create each xtim
# Create a dictionary of function outputs
if (not isinstance(mF, int)) and (not isinstance(mF, float)):
fn_arr = {}
for n in range(rF):
key = n # Each key should be the iterative variable
fn_init = _np.zeros(NN) # Define the initial array
fn_arr[key] = fn_init # Create each fn_arr
fnc = rF
fn_arr = _np.zeros(NN) # Create the fn_arr
fnc = 1
# When asked to find zero-state, set all ICs to zero
if solution == 1:
for n in range(xtim_len):
x[n] = 0 # Set each value to zero
# Finite-Difference Simulation
for i in range(0, simpts):
for n in range(xtim_len):
xtim[n][i] = x[n] # xtim[state-variable][domain] = x[state-variable]
# Create Forcing Function output
if fnc > 1: # More than one forcing function
for n in range(fnc):
fn_arr[n][i] = _np.asarray(fn(T))[n][0]
else: # only one forcing function
fn_arr[i] = fn(T)
if solution == 0: # Zero-input, no added function input
x = x + dt * A * x
else: # Zero-state or Total, add function input
x = x + dt * A * x + dt * B * fn(T)
if solution == 3:
yout = yout + dt * D * fn(T)
T = T + dt # Add discrete increment to T
# Plot Forcing Functions
if (plotforcing):
fffig = _plt.figure("Forcing Functions")
if fnc > 1:
for x in range(fnc):
_plt.plot(TT, fn_arr[x], label="f" + str(x + 1))
_plt.plot(TT, fn_arr, label="f1")
if xlim != False:
if ylim != False:
_plt.title("Forcing Functions " + title)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
_plt.legend(title="Forcing Functions")
if filename != None:
_plt.savefig('Simulation Forcing Functions.png')
if plotstate:
# Plot each state-variable over time
stvfig = _plt.figure("State Variables")
for x in range(xtim_len):
_plt.plot(TT, xtim[x], label="x" + str(x + 1))
if xlim != False:
if ylim != False:
_plt.title("Simulated Output Terms " + soltype[solution] + title)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
_plt.legend(title="State Variable")
if filename != None:
_plt.savefig('Simulation Terms.png')
if plotstate:
# Plot combined output
if (plotresult and solution == 3):
cofig = _plt.figure("Combined Output")
C = _np.asarray(C) # convert back to array for operation
for i in range(cC):
yout = yout + xtim[i] * C[0][i] # Sum all st-space var mult. by their coeff
yout = _np.asarray(yout) # convert output to array for plotting purposes
_plt.plot(TT, yout[0])
if xlim != False:
if ylim != False:
_plt.title("Combined Output " + title)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
if filename != None:
_plt.savefig('Simulation Combined Output.png')
if plotresult:
# Return Variables if asked to
if ret:
return (TT, xtim)
# Define Newton-Raphson Calculator
def NewtonRaphson(F, J, X0, eps=1e-4, mxiter=100, lsq_eps=0.25):
Newton Raphson Calculator.
Solve nonlinear system F=0 by Newton's method.
J is the Jacobian of F. Both F and J must be functions of x.
At input, x holds the start value. The iteration continues
until ||F|| < eps.
F: array_like
The Non-Linear System; a function handle/instance.
The input function must accept only one (1) argument as an
array or int/float representing the variables required.
J: array_like
The Jacobian of F; a function handle/instance.
The input Jacobian of F must accept only one (1) argument as
an array or int/float representing the variables required.
X0: array_like
The Initial Value (or initial guess); a representative array.
eps: float, optional
Epsilon - The error value, default=0.0001
mxiter: int, optional
Maximum Iterations - The highest number of iterations allowed,
lsq_eps: float, optional
Least Squares Method (Failover) Epsilon - the error value.
X0: array_like
The computed result
iteration_counter: int
The number of iterations completed before returning
either due to solution being found, or max iterations
being surpassed.
>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from electricpy import sim # Import Simulation Submodule
>>> def F(x):
... matr = np.array([[x[1]*10*np.sin(x[0])+2],
... [x[1]*(-10)*np.cos(x[0])+x[1]**2*10+1]])
... return(matr)
>>> def J(x):
... matr = np.array([[10*x[1]*np.cos(x[0]), 10*np.sin(x[0])],
... [10*x[1]*np.sin(x[0]), -10*np.cos(x[0])+20*x[1]]])
... return(matr)
>>> # Now compute Newton-Raphson
>>> X0 = [0, 1]
>>> results, iter = sim.NewtonRaphson(F,J,X0)
>>> print(results)
>>> print(iter) # Iteration Counter
See Also
nr_pq: Newton-Raphson System Generator
mbuspowerflow: Multi-Bus Power Flow Calculator
# Test for one-variable inputs
if isinstance(F(X0), (int, float, _np.float64)): # System is size-1
if not isinstance(J(X0), (int, float, _np.float64)): # Jacobian isn't size-1
raise ValueError("ERROR: The Jacobian isn't size-1.")
return newton(F, X0, J)
# Test for valid argument sizes
f0sz = len(F(X0))
j0sz = len(J(X0))
if f0sz != j0sz: # Size mismatch
raise ValueError("ERROR: The arguments return arrays or lists" +
" of different sizes: f0=" + str(f0sz) + "; j0=" + str(j0sz))
# Define Internal Inversion System
def inv(m):
a, b = m.shape
if a != b:
raise ValueError("Only square matrices are invertible.")
i = _np.eye(a, a)
return _np.linalg.lstsq(m, i, rcond=None)[0]
F_value = F(X0)
F_norm = _np.linalg.norm(F_value, ord=2) # L2 norm of vector
iteration_counter = 0
teps = eps
while abs(F_norm) > teps and iteration_counter < mxiter:
try: # Try Solve Operation
delta = _np.linalg.solve(J(X0), -F_value)
teps = eps # Change Test Epsilon if Needed
except _np.linalg.LinAlgError: # Use Least Square if Error
# Warn User, but only Once
tst = userhasbeenwarned
except NameError:
userhasbeenwarned = True
_warn("WARNING: Singular matrix, attempting LSQ method.")
# Calculate Delta Using Least-Squares Inverse
delta = - inv(J(X0)).dot(F_value)
# Change Epsilon Test
teps = lsq_eps
X0 = X0 + delta
F_value = F(X0)
F_norm = _np.linalg.norm(F_value, ord=2)
iteration_counter += 1
# Here, either a solution is found, or too many iterations
if abs(F_norm) > teps:
iteration_counter = -1
_warn("WARNING: Maximum number of iterations exceeded.")
_warn("Most recent delta:" + str(delta))
_warn("Most recent F-Norm:" + str(F_norm))
return X0, iteration_counter
# Define Newton-Raphson P/Q Evaluator
def nr_pq(Ybus, V_set, P_set, Q_set, extend=True, argshape=False, verbose=False):
Newton Raphson Real/Reactive Power Function Generator.
Given specified parameters, will generate the necessary real and reactive
power functions necessary to compute the system's power flow.
Ybus: array_like
Postitive Sequence Y-Bus Matrix for Network.
V_set: list of list of float
List of known and unknown voltages.
Known voltages should be provided as
a list of floating values in the form of:
[mag, ang], unknown voltages should
be provided as None.
P_set: list of float
List of known and unknown real powers.
Known powers should be provided as
a floating point value, unknown powers
should be provided as None. Generated power
should be noted as positive, consumed power
should be noted as negative.
Q_set: list of float
List of known and unknown reactive powers.
Known powers should be provided as
a floating point value, unknown powers
should be provided as None. Generated power
should be noted as positive, consumed power
should be noted as negative.
extend: bool, optional
Control argument to format returned value as
singular function handle or lists of function
handles. default=True; singular function
argshape: bool, optional
Control argument to force return of the voltage
argument array as a tuple of: (Θ-len, V-len).
verbose: bool, optional
Control argument to print verbose information
about function generation, useful for debugging.
retset: array_like
An array of function handles corresponding to
the appropriate voltage magnitude and angle
calculation functions based on the real and
reactive power values. Function(s) will accept
an argument of the form:
[Θ1, Θ2,..., Θn, V1, V2,..., Vm]
where n is the number of busses with unknown
voltage angle, and m is the number of busses
with unknown voltage magnitude.
>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from electricpy import sim # Import Simulation Submodule
>>> ybustest = [[-10j,10j],
... [10j,-10j]]
>>> Vlist = [[1,0],[None,None]] # We don't know the voltage or angle at bus 2
>>> Plist = [None,-2.0] # 2pu watts consumed
>>> Qlist = [None,-1.0] # 1pu vars consumed
>>> F = nr_pq(ybustest,Vlist,Plist,Qlist)
>>> X0 = [0,1] # Define Initial Conditions
>>> J = sim.jacobian(F) # Find Jacobian
>>> # Now use Newton-Raphson to Solve
>>> results, iter = sim.NewtonRaphson(F,J,X0)
>>> print(results)
>>> print(iter) # Iteration Counter
See Also
NewtonRaphson: Newton-Raphson System Solver
mbuspowerflow: Multi-Bus Power Flow Calculator
# Condition Inputs
Ybus = _np.asarray(Ybus)
row, col = Ybus.shape
N = row
# Check Ybus shape
if row != col:
raise ValueError("Invalid Y-Bus Shape")
if N != len(V_set):
raise ValueError("Invalid V_set Shape")
if N != len(P_set):
raise ValueError("Invalid P_set Shape")
if N != len(Q_set):
raise ValueError("Invalid Q_set Shape")
for i in range(N):
if all((P_set[i], Q_set[i], V_set[i][0])):
raise ValueError("Over-Constrained System")
# Define Function Concatinator Class
class c_func_concat:
def __init__(self, funcs): # Initialize class with tupple of functions
self.nfuncs = len(funcs) # Determine how many functions are in tuple
self.func_reg = {} # Create empty keyed list of function handles
for key in range(self.nfuncs): # Iterate adding to key
self.func_reg[key] = funcs[key] # Fill keyed list with functions
def func_c(self, x): # Concatenated Function
rets = _np.array([]) # Create blank numpy array to store function outputs
for i in range(self.nfuncs):
y = self.func_reg[i](x) # Calculate each function at value x
rets = _np.append(rets, y) # Add value to return array
return rets
# Impliment Global Lists
global P_funcs, Q_funcs, P_strgs, Q_strgs
global V_list, YBUS, P_list, Q_list
global d_list, x_list
P_funcs = []
Q_funcs = []
P_strgs = []
Q_strgs = []
Vi_list = []
lists = [P_strgs, Q_strgs]
i = 0 # Index
ii = 0 # String Index
# Load Global Lists
V_list = V_set
YBUS = Ybus
P_list = P_set
Q_list = Q_set
# Define Calculation Strings
## 0: Vk magnitude
## 1: Vk angle
## 2: Vj magnitude
## 3: Vj angle
## 4: [k][j] (for Y-Bus)
## 5: Qgen Term
Pstr = ("{0}*{2}*(YBUS{4}.real*_np.cos({1}-{3})+YBUS{4}.imag*_np.sin({1}-{3}))")
Qstr = ("{0}*{2}*(YBUS{4}.real*_np.sin({1}-{3})-YBUS{4}.imag*_np.cos({1}-{3})){5}")
# Iteratively Identify Vector Length Terms
ang_len = 0
mag_len = 0
# Set Offset Factors
magoff = 1
angoff = 1
for _k in range(N):
Padd = False
Qadd = False
for _j in range(N):
if P_list[_k] == None:
continue # Don't Generate Requirements for Slack Bus
if (_k != _j) and not Padd: # Skip i,i Terms
ang_len += 1
Padd = True
if (_k != _j) and (Q_list[_k] != None) and not Qadd:
mag_len += 1
Qadd = True
Vxdim = ang_len + mag_len
if verbose:
print("Angle EQ's (P):", ang_len, "\tMagnitude EQ's (Q):", mag_len)
print("Vx Dimension:", Vxdim)
# Iteratively Generate P and Q Requirements
for _k in range(N):
# Set for New Entry
newentry = True
for _j in range(N):
# Add New Entry To Lists
for LST in lists:
if P_list[_k] == None:
continue # Don't Generate Requirements for Slack Bus
# Collect Other Terms
Yind = "[{}][{}]".format(_k, _j)
if verbose: print("K:", _k, "\tJ:", _j)
# Generate Voltage-Related Strings
if _k != _j: # Skip i,i Terms
# Generate K-Related Strings
if V_list[_k][0] == None: # The Vk magnitude is unknown
Vkm = "Vx[{}]".format(_k + ang_len - magoff * _k) # Use Variable Magnitude
Vka = "Vx[{}]".format(_k - angoff) # Use Variable Angle
else: # The Vk magnitude is known
Vkm = "V_list[{}][0]".format(_k) # Load Magnitude
if V_list[_k][1] == None: # The Vj angle is unknown
Vka = "Vx[{}]".format(_k - angoff) # Use Variable Angle
Vka = "V_list[{}][1]".format(_k) # Load Angle
# Generate J-Related Strings
if V_list[_j][0] is None: # The Vj magnitude is unknown
Vjm = "Vx[{}]".format(_j + ang_len - magoff * _j) # Use Variable Magnitude
Vja = "Vx[{}]".format(_j - angoff) # Use Variable Angle
else: # The Vj magnitude is known
Vjm = "V_list[{}][0]".format(_j) # Load Magnitude
if V_list[_j][1] is None: # The Vj angle is unknown
Vja = "Vx[{}]".format(_j - angoff) # Use Variable Angle
Vja = "V_list[{}][1]".format(_j) # Load Angle
# Generate String and Append to List of Functions
P_strgs[i] = (Pstr.format(Vkm, Vka, Vjm, Vja, Yind))
if verbose: print("New P-String:", P_strgs[i])
# Generate Q Requirement
if Q_list[_k] is not None:
# Generate String and Append to List of Functions
if newentry:
newentry = False
Qgen = "-Vx[{0}]**2*YBUS[{0}][{0}].imag".format(_k)
Qgen = ""
Q_strgs[i] = (Qstr.format(Vkm, Vka, Vjm, Vja, Yind, Qgen))
if verbose: print("New Q-String:", Q_strgs[i])
# Increment Index at Each Interior Level
i += 1
tempPstr = "P_funcs.append(lambda Vx: -P_list[{0}]".format(_k)
tempQstr = "Q_funcs.append(lambda Vx: -Q_list[{0}]".format(_k)
for _i in range(ii, i):
P = P_strgs[_i]
Q = Q_strgs[_i]
if P is not None:
tempPstr += "+" + P
if Q is not None:
tempQstr += "+" + Q
tempPstr += ")"
tempQstr += ")"
if any(P_strgs[ii:i]):
if verbose: print("Full P-Func Str:", tempPstr)
if any(Q_strgs[ii:i]):
if verbose: print("Full Q-Func Str:", tempQstr)
ii = i # Increase Lower Index
retset = (P_funcs, Q_funcs)
if extend:
funcset = P_funcs.copy()
funcgroup = c_func_concat(funcset)
retset = funcgroup.func_c
if argshape:
retset = (retset, (ang_len, mag_len))
return retset
# Define Multi-Bus Power Flow Calculator
def mbuspowerflow(Ybus, Vknown, Pknown, Qknown, X0='flatstart', eps=1e-4,
mxiter=100, returnct=False, degrees=True, split=False,
slackbus=0, lsq_eps=0.25):
Multi-Bus Power Flow Calculator.
Function wrapper to simplify the evaluation of a power flow calculation.
Determines the function array (F) and the Jacobian array (J) and uses the
Newton-Raphson method to iteratively evaluate the system to converge to a
Ybus: array_like
Postitive Sequence Y-Bus Matrix for Network.
Vknown: list of list of float
List of known and unknown voltages.
Known voltages should be provided as
a list of floating values in the form of:
[mag, ang], unknown voltages should
be provided as None.
Pknown: list of float
List of known and unknown real powers.
Known powers should be provided as
a floating point value, unknown powers
should be provided as None. Generated power
should be noted as positive, consumed power
should be noted as negative.
Qknown: list of float
List of known and unknown reactive powers.
Known powers should be provided as
a floating point value, unknown powers
should be provided as None. Generated power
should be noted as positive, consumed power
should be noted as negative.
X0: {'flatstart', list of float}, optional
Initial conditions/Initial guess. May be set
to 'flatstart' to force function to generate
flat voltages and angles of 1∠0°. Must be
specified in the form:
[Θ1, Θ2,..., Θn, V1, V2,..., Vm]
where n is the number of busses with unknown
voltage angle, and m is the number of busses
with unknown voltage magnitude.
eps: float, optional
Epsilon - The error value, default=0.0001
mxiter: int, optional
Maximum Iterations - The highest number of
iterations allowed, default=100
returnct: bool, optional
Control argument to force function to return
the iteration counter from the Newton-Raphson
solution. default=False
degrees: bool, optional
Control argument to force returned angles to
degrees. default=True
split: bool, optional
Control argument to force returned array to
split into lists of magnitudes and angles.
slackbus: int, optional
Control argument to specify the bus index for
the slack bus. If the slack bus is not positioned
at bus index 1 (default), this control can be
used to reformat the data sets to a format
necessary for proper generation and Newton
Raphson computation. Must be zero-based.
lsq_eps: float, optional
Least Squares Method (Failover) Epsilon - the error value.
.. image:: /static/mbuspowerflow_example.png
>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # Perform Power-Flow Analysis for Figure
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from electricpy import sim # Import Simulation Submodule
>>> ybustest = [[-10j,10j],
... [10j,-10j]]
>>> Vlist = [[1,0],[None,None]] # We don't know the voltage or angle at bus 2
>>> Plist = [None,-2.0] # 2pu watts consumed
>>> Qlist = [None,-1.0] # 1pu vars consumed
>>> sim.mbuspowerflow(
... ybustest,
... Vlist,
... Plist,
... Qlist,
... degrees=True,
... split=True,
... returnct=True
... )
([array([-13.52185223]), array([ 0.85537271])], 4)
See Also
NewtonRaphson: Newton-Raphson System Solver
nr_pq: Newton-Raphson System Generator
electricpy.powerflow: Simple (2-bus) Power Flow Calculator
# Identify Lack of Support
raise ImportError(
"(!) Cannot perform request due to lack of installed package: "
"`numdifftools` which may be obtained with: `pip install "
# Reformat Inputs to Meet Criteria
if slackbus != 0:
# Ybus
Ybus = _np.asarray(Ybus)
row, col = Ybus.shape
Ybus = _np.roll(Ybus, (col - slackbus), (0, 1))
# Vknown, Pknown, and Qknown
Vknown = _np.roll(Vknown, (len(Vknown) - slackbus), 0).tolist()
Pknown = _np.roll(Pknown, (len(Pknown) - slackbus), 0).tolist()
Qknown = _np.roll(Qknown, (len(Qknown) - slackbus), 0).tolist()
# Generate F Function Array
F, shp = nr_pq(Ybus, Vknown, Pknown, Qknown, True, True, False)
# Handle Flat-Start Condition
if X0 == 'flatstart':
ang_len, mag_len = shp
X0 = _np.append(_np.zeros(ang_len), _np.ones(mag_len))
# Evaluate Jacobian
J = jacobian(F)
# Compute Newton-Raphson
nr_result, iter_count = NewtonRaphson(F, J, X0, eps, mxiter, lsq_eps)
# Convert to Degrees if Necessary
if degrees:
for i in range(ang_len):
nr_result[i] = _np.degrees(nr_result[i])
# Split into Mag/Ang Arrays if Necessary
if split:
nr_result = [nr_result[:ang_len], nr_result[-mag_len:]]
# Return with Iteration Counter
if returnct:
return nr_result, iter_count
return nr_result