.. _electricpy_home: ========== ElectricPy ========== *Electrical-Engineering-for-Python* Python functions and constants related to electrical engineering. The functions and constants that make up these modules represent a library of material compiled with the intent of being used primarily for research, development, education, and exploration in the realm of electrical engineering. The base module for the `electricpy` package, electricpy.py may be leveraged in any Python script or program by using the *import* command similar to that shown below. >>> import electricpy as ep Filled with calculators, evaluators, and plotting functions, this package will provide a wide array of capabilities to any electrical engineer. Built to support operations similar to Numpy and Scipy, this package is designed to aid in scientific calculations. ------------------------- Contents: ------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 electricpyapi constants additionalresources changes Github PyPI .. include:: ../README.md :parser: myst_parser.sphinx_