Base Exceptions

exception selprotopy.exceptions.CommError

Base Class for Communications Errors.

exception selprotopy.exceptions.ParseError

Base Class for Parsing Errors.

exception selprotopy.exceptions.ProtoError

Base Class for Protocol Errors.

Communications Exceptions

exception selprotopy.exceptions.MalformedByteArray

Malformed Byte Array.

Byte array does not appear in expected format, likely due to truncated communications caused by a communications failure.

exception selprotopy.exceptions.ChecksumFail

Checksum Comparison Failure.

Checksum validation has failed for the captured message, likely due to communications failure.

exception selprotopy.exceptions.ConnVerificationFail

Communications could not be verified.

Parse Errors

exception selprotopy.exceptions.MissingA5Head

Response Message Missing A5 Byte Heading.

Parsing of returned binary SEL Protocol message failed due to lack of required A5[C1] heading.

exception selprotopy.exceptions.DnaDigitalsMisMatch

DNA Digital Sequence Doesn’t Match Definition.

Dereferencing of digitals in response does not match the relay’s DNA definition, may be caused by a communications error, or failed parse.

Protocol Exceptions

exception selprotopy.exceptions.InvalidCommandType

Invalid CommandType.

Invalid command type provided for Fast Operate, must be member of: [‘SET’, ‘CLEAR’, ‘PULSE’, ‘OPEN’, ‘CLOSE’].

exception selprotopy.exceptions.InvalidControlType

Invalid Control Type.

Invalid control type provided for Fast Operate, must be member of: [‘REMOTE_BIT’, ‘BREAKER_BIT’].