`electricpy` Package - Main Module.
>>> import electricpy as ep
Filled with calculators, evaluators, and plotting functions, this package will
provide a wide array of capabilities to any electrical engineer.
Built to support operations similar to Numpy and Scipy, this package is designed
to aid in scientific calculations.
import cmath as _c
from inspect import getframeinfo as _getframeinfo
from inspect import stack as _stack
from warnings import showwarning as _showwarning
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
import numpy as _np
from scipy.integrate import quad as integrate
from .version import NAME, VERSION
from .constants import *
from .phasors import phasor, parallelz
__version__ = VERSION
# Define Cycle Time Function
def tcycle(ncycles=1, freq=60):
Time of Electrical Cycles.
Evaluates the time for a number of n
cycles given the system frequency.
.. math:: t = \frac{n_{cycles}}{freq}
ncycles: float, optional
Number (n) of cycles to evaluate, default=1
freq: float, optional
System frequency in Hz, default=60
t: float
Total time for *ncycles*
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.tcycle(1, freq=60) #Value of ncycles=1 & freq=60
>>> ep.tcycle(1, freq=50) #Value of ncycles=1 & freq=50
# Condition Inputs
if isinstance(ncycles, _np.ndarray) and isinstance(freq, _np.ndarray):
if ncycles.shape != freq.shape:
raise ValueError("ncycles and freq must be the same shape")
elif isinstance(ncycles, list) and isinstance(freq, list):
if len(ncycles) != len(freq):
raise ValueError("ncycles and freq must be the same length")
ncycles = _np.asarray(ncycles)
freq = _np.asarray(freq)
if 0 in freq:
raise ZeroDivisionError("Frequency must not be 0")
if not (freq > 0).all():
# frequency must be postive value
raise ValueError("Frequency must be postive value")
# Evaluate the time for ncycles
time = ncycles / freq
# Return
if isinstance(time, _np.ndarray) and len(time) == 1:
return time[0]
return time
# Define Reactance Calculator
def reactance(z, freq=60, sensetivity=1e-12):
Capacitance/Inductance from Impedance.
Calculates the Capacitance or Inductance in Farads or Henreys
(respectively) provided the impedance of an element.
Will return capacitance (in Farads) if ohmic impedance is
negative :eq:`cap`, or inductance (in Henrys) if ohmic impedance is
positive :eq:`ind`. If imaginary: calculate with j factor
(imaginary number).
.. math:: C = \frac{1}{\omega*Z}
:label: cap
.. math:: L = \frac{Z}{\omega}
:label: ind
This requires that the radian frequency is found as follows:
.. math:: \omega = 2*\pi*freq
where `freq` is the frequency in Hertz.
.. note::
It's worth noting here, that the resistance will be found by
extracting the real part of a complex value. That is:
.. math:: R = Real( R + jX )
z: complex
The Impedance Provided, may be complex (R+jI)
freq: float, optional
The Frequency Base for Provided Impedance, default=60
sensetivity: float, optional
The sensetivity used to check if a resistance was
provided, default=1e-12
float: Capacitance or Inductance of Impedance
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.reactance(z=5) # ohms - inductive impedance
# Evaluate Omega
w = 2 * _np.pi * freq
# Input is Complex
if isinstance(z, complex):
# Test for Resistance
if abs(z.real) > sensetivity:
R = z.real
R = 0
if z.imag > 0:
out = z / (w * 1j)
out = 1 / (w * 1j * z)
out = abs(out)
# Combine with resistance if present
if R != 0:
out = (R, out)
if z > 0:
out = z / w
out = 1 / (w * z)
out = abs(out)
# Return Output
return out
# Define display function
def cprint(val, unit=None, label=None, title=None,
pretty=True, printval=True, ret=False, decimals=3, round=3):
Phasor (Complex) Printing Function.
This function is designed to accept a complex value (val) and print
the value in the standard electrical engineering notation:
**magnitude ∠ angle °**
This function will print the magnitude in degrees, and can print
a unit and label in addition to the value itself.
val: complex
The Complex Value to be Printed, may be singular value,
tuple of values, or list/array.
unit: string, optional
The string to be printed corresponding to the unit mark.
label: str, optional
The pre-pended string used as a descriptive labeling string.
title: str, optional
The pre-pended string describing a set of complex values.
pretty: bool, optional
Control argument to force printed result to a *pretty*
format without array braces. default=True
printval: bool, optional
Control argument enabling/disabling printing of the string.
ret: bool, optional
Control argument allowing the evaluated value to be returned.
decimals: int, optional
Replaces `round` argument. Control argument specifying how
many decimals of the complex value to be printed. May be
negative to round to spaces to the left of the decimal place
(follows standard round() functionality). default=3
round: int, optional, DEPRECATED
Control argument specifying how many decimals of the complex
value to be printed. May be negative to round to spaces
to the left of the decimal place (follows standard round()
functionality). default=3
numarr: numpy.ndarray
The array of values corresponding to the magnitude and angle,
values are returned in the form: [[ mag, ang ],...,[ mag, ang ]]
where the angles are evaluated in degrees.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> from electricpy import phasors
>>> v = phasor(67, 120)
>>> ep.cprint(v)
67.0 ∠ 120.0°
>>> voltages = np.array([[67,0],
... [67,-120],
... [67,120]])
>>> Vset = ep.phasors.phasorlist( voltages )
>>> ep.cprint(Vset)
67.0 ∠ 0.0°
67.0 ∠ -120.0°
67.0 ∠ 120.0°
See Also
electricpy.phasors.phasor: Phasor Generating Function
electricpy.phasors.phasorlist: Phasor Generating Function for Lists/Arrays
electricpy.phasors.phasorz: Impedance Phasor Generator
# Use depricated `round`
if round != 3:
decimals = round
caller = _getframeinfo(_stack()[1][0])
# Demonstrate Deprecation Warning
_showwarning('`round` argument will be deprecated in favor of `decimals`',
DeprecationWarning, caller.filename, caller.lineno)
# Interpret as numpy array if simple list
if isinstance(val, list):
val = _np.asarray(val) # Ensure that input is array
# Find length of the input array
if isinstance(val, _np.ndarray):
shp = val.shape
row, col = shp # Interpret Shape of Object
except (ValueError, IndexError):
row = shp[0]
col = 1
sz = val.size
# Handle Label as a List or Array
if isinstance(label, (list, _np.ndarray)):
if len(label) == 1:
tmp = label
for _ in range(sz):
label = _np.append(label, [tmp])
elif sz != len(label):
raise ValueError("Too Few Label Arguments")
# Handle Label as String
elif isinstance(label, str):
tmp = label
for _ in range(sz):
label = _np.append(label, [tmp])
# Handle Lack of Label
elif label is None:
label = _np.array([])
for _ in range(sz):
label = _np.append(label, None)
# Handle all Other Cases
raise ValueError("Invalid Label")
# Handle Unit as a List or Array
if isinstance(unit, (list, _np.ndarray)):
if len(unit) == 1:
tmp = unit
for _ in range(sz):
unit = _np.append(unit, [tmp])
elif sz != len(unit):
raise ValueError("Too Few Unit Arguments")
# Handle Unit as String
elif isinstance(unit, str):
tmp = unit
for _ in range(sz):
unit = _np.append(unit, [tmp])
# Handle Lack of Unit
elif unit is None:
unit = _np.array([])
for _ in range(sz):
unit = _np.append(unit, None)
# Handle all Other Cases
raise ValueError("Invalid Unit")
# Generate Default Arrays
printarr = _np.array([]) # Empty array
numarr = _np.array([]) # Empty array
# Operate on List/Array
for i in range(row):
_val = val[i]
_label = label[i]
_unit = unit[i]
mag, ang_r = _c.polar(_val) # Convert to polar form
ang = _np.degrees(ang_r) # Convert to degrees
mag = _np.around(mag, decimals) # Round
ang = _np.around(ang, decimals) # Round
strg = ""
if _label is not None:
strg += _label + " "
strg += str(mag) + " ∠ " + str(ang) + "°"
if _unit is not None:
strg += " " + _unit
printarr = _np.append(printarr, strg)
numarr = _np.append(numarr, [mag, ang])
# Reshape Arrays
printarr = _np.reshape(printarr, (row, col))
numarr = _np.reshape(numarr, (sz, 2))
# Print
if printval and row == 1:
if title is not None:
elif printval and pretty:
strg = ''
start = True
for i in printarr:
if not start:
strg += '\n'
strg += str(i[0])
start = False
if title is not None:
elif printval:
if title is not None:
# Return if Necessary
if ret:
return (numarr)
elif isinstance(val, (int, float, complex)):
# Handle Invalid Unit/Label
if unit is not None and not isinstance(unit, str):
raise ValueError("Invalid Unit Type for Value")
if label is not None and not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError("Invalid Label Type for Value")
mag, ang_r = _c.polar(val) # Convert to polar form
ang = _np.degrees(ang_r) # Convert to degrees
mag = _np.around(mag, decimals) # Round
ang = _np.around(ang, decimals) # Round
strg = ""
if label is not None:
strg += label + " "
strg += str(mag) + " ∠ " + str(ang) + "°"
if unit is not None:
strg += " " + unit
# Print values (by default)
if printval:
if title is not None:
# Return values when requested
if ret:
return ([mag, ang])
raise ValueError("Invalid Input Type")
# Define Phase/Line Converter
def phaseline(VLL=None, VLN=None, Iline=None, Iphase=None, realonly=None,
Line-Line to Line-Neutral Converter.
This function is designed to return the phase- or line-equivalent
of the voltage/current provided. It is designed to be used when
converting delta- to wye-connections and vice-versa.
Given a voltage of one type, this function will return the
voltage of the opposite type. The same is true for current.
.. math:: V_{LL} = \sqrt{3}∠30° * V_{LN}
:label: voltages
Typical American (United States) standard is to note voltages in
Line-to-Line values (VLL), and often, the Line-to-Neutral voltage
is of value, this function uses the voltage :eq:`voltages` relation
to evaluate either voltage given the other.
.. math:: I_{Φ} = \frac{I_{line}}{\sqrt{3}∠30°}
:label: currents
Often, the phase current in a delta-connected device is of
particular interest, and the line-current is provided. This
function uses the current :eq:`currents` formula to evaluate
phase- and line-current given the opposing term.
VLL: float, optional
The Line-to-Line Voltage; default=None
VLN: float, optional
The Line-to-Neutral Voltage; default=None
Iline: float, optional
The Line-Current; default=None
Iphase: float, optional
The Phase-Current; default=None
realonly: bool, optional
Replacement of `complex` argument. Control to return
value in complex form; default=None
complex: bool, optional, DEPRECATED
Control to return value in complex form, refer to
`realonly` instead. default=None
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.cprint(ep.phaseline(VLL=(13.8*ep.k))) # 13.8kV
7967.434 ∠ -30.0°
# Monitor for deprecated input
if 'complex' in kwargs.keys():
if realonly is None:
realonly = not kwargs['complex']
caller = _getframeinfo(_stack()[1][0])
# Demonstrate Deprecation Warning
_showwarning('`complex` argument will be deprecated in favor of `realonly`',
DeprecationWarning, caller.filename, caller.lineno)
output = 0
# Given VLL, convert to VLN
if VLL is not None:
output = VLN
# Given VLN, convert to VLL
elif VLN is not None:
output = VLL
# Given Iphase, convert to Iline
elif Iphase is not None:
Iline = Iphase * ILcIP
output = Iline
# Given Iline, convert to Iphase
elif Iline is not None:
Iphase = Iline / ILcIP
output = Iphase
# None given, error encountered
print("ERROR: No value given" +
"or innapropriate value" +
return (0)
# Auto-detect Complex Values
if isinstance(output, complex) and realonly is None:
realonly = False
# Return as complex only when requested
if realonly:
return abs(output)
return output
# Define Power Set Function
def powerset(P=None, Q=None, S=None, PF=None, find=''):
Power Triangle Conversion Function.
This function is designed to calculate all values
in the set { P, Q, S, PF } when two (2) of the
values are provided. The equations in this
function are prepared for AC values, that is:
real and reactive power, apparent power, and power
P: float, optional
Real Power, unitless; default=None
Q: float, optional
Reactive Power, unitless; default=None
S: float, optional
Apparent Power, unitless; default=None
PF: float, optional
Power Factor, unitless, provided as a
decimal value, lagging is positive,
leading is negative; default=None
find: str, optional
Control argument to specify which value
should be returned.
P: float
Calculated Real Power Magnitude
Q: float
Calculated Reactive Power Magnitude
S: float
Calculated Apparent Power Magnitude
PF: float
Calculated Power Factor
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.powerset(P=400, Q=300)
(400, 300, 500.0, 0.8)
>>> ep.powerset(P=400, Q=300, find="PF")
# Given P and Q
if (P is not None) and (Q is not None):
S = _np.sqrt(P ** 2 + Q ** 2)
PF = P / S
if Q < 0:
PF = -PF
# Given S and PF
elif (S is not None) and (PF is not None):
P = abs(S * PF)
Q = _np.sqrt(S ** 2 - P ** 2)
if PF < 0:
Q = -Q
# Given P and PF
elif (P is not None) and (PF is not None):
S = P / PF
Q = _np.sqrt(S ** 2 - P ** 2)
if PF < 0:
Q = -Q
# Given P and S
elif (P is not None) and (S is not None):
Q = _np.sqrt(S ** 2 - P ** 2)
PF = P / S
# Given Q and S
elif (Q is not None) and (S is not None):
P = _np.sqrt(S ** 2 - Q ** 2)
PF = P / S
raise ValueError("ERROR: Invalid Parameters or too few" +
" parameters given to calculate.")
# Return
find = find.upper()
if find == 'P':
return P
elif find == 'Q':
return Q
elif find == 'S':
return S
elif find == 'PF':
return PF
return P, Q, S, PF
def slew_rate(V=None, freq=None, SR=None, find=''):
Slew Rate Calculator.
This function is designed to calculate slew rate
i.e the change of voltage per unit of time`
V: float, optional
Voltage, Volts; default=None
freq: float, optional
Frequency, Hz; default=None
SR: float, optional
Slew Rate, Volts/sec; default=None
find: str, optional
Control argument to specify which value
should be returned.
V: float
Calculated Volatage
freq: float
Calculated frequency
SR: float
Calculated slew rate
if V is not None and freq is not None:
SR = 2 * _np.pi * V * freq
elif freq is not None and SR is not None:
V = SR / (2 * _np.pi * freq)
elif V is not None and SR is not None:
freq = SR / (2 * _np.pi * V)
raise ValueError("ERROR: Invalid Parameters or too few" +
" parameters given to calculate.")
if find == 'V':
return V
elif find == 'freq':
return freq
elif find == 'SR':
return SR
return V, freq, SR
# Define Non-Linear Power Factor Calculator
def non_linear_pf(PFtrue=False, PFdist=False, PFdisp=False):
Non-Linear Power Factor Evaluator.
This function is designed to evaluate one of three unknowns
given the other two. These particular unknowns are the arguments
and as such, they are described in the representative sections
.. note:: Also available as `nlinpf`.
PFtrue: float, exclusive
The "True" power-factor, default=None
PFdist: float, exclusive
The "Distorted" power-factor, default=None
PFdisp: float, exclusive
The "Displacement" power-factor, default=None
float: This function will return the unknown variable from the previously
described set of variables.
if PFtrue is not None and PFdist is not None and PFdisp is not None:
raise ValueError("ERROR: Too many constraints, no solution.")
if PFdist is not None and PFdisp is not None:
return PFdist * PFdisp
if PFtrue is not None and PFdisp is not None:
return PFtrue / PFdisp
if PFtrue is not None and PFdist is not None:
return PFtrue / PFdist
raise ValueError("ERROR: Function requires at least two arguments.")
# Alias to original Name
nlinpf = non_linear_pf
# Define Short-Circuit RL Current Calculator
def short_circuit_current(V, Z, t=None, f=None, mxcurrent=True, alpha=None):
Short-Circuit-Current (ISC) Calculator.
The Isc-RL function (Short Circuit Current for RL Circuit)
is designed to calculate the short-circuit current for an
RL circuit.
.. note:: Also available as `iscrl`.
V: float
The absolute magnitude of the voltage.
Z: float
The complex value of the impedance. (R + jX)
t: float, optional
The time at which the value should be calculated,
should be specified in seconds, default=None
f: float, optional
The system frequency, specified in Hz, default=None
mxcurrent: bool, optional
Control variable to enable calculating the value at
maximum current, default=True
alpha: float, optional
Angle specification, default=None
Opt 1 - (Irms, IAC, K): The RMS current with maximum DC
offset, the AC current magnitude,
and the asymmetry factor.
Opt 2 - (i, iAC, iDC, T): The Instantaneous current with
maximum DC offset, the instantaneous
AC current, the instantaneous DC
current, and the time-constant T.
Opt 3 - (Iac): The RMS current without DC offset.
# Calculate omega, theta, R, and X
if f is not None:
omega = 2 * _np.pi * f
omega = None
R = abs(Z.real)
X = abs(Z.imag)
theta = _np.arctan(X / R)
# If Maximum Current is Desired and No alpha provided
if mxcurrent and alpha is None:
alpha = theta - _np.pi / 2
elif mxcurrent and alpha is not None:
raise ValueError("ERROR: Inappropriate Arguments Provided.\n" +
"Not both mxcurrent and alpha can be provided.")
# Calculate Asymmetrical (total) Current if t is not None
if t is not None and f is not None:
# Calculate RMS if none of the angular values are provided
if alpha is None and omega is None:
# Calculate tau
tau = t / (1 / 60)
K = _np.sqrt(1 + 2 * _np.exp(-4 * _np.pi * tau / (X / R)))
IAC = abs(V / Z)
Irms = K * IAC
# Return Values
return Irms, IAC, K
elif alpha is None or omega is None:
raise ValueError("ERROR: Inappropriate Arguments Provided.")
# Calculate Instantaneous if all angular values provided
# Convert Degrees to Radians
omega = _np.radians(omega)
alpha = _np.radians(alpha)
theta = _np.radians(theta)
# Calculate T
T = X / (2 * _np.pi * f * R) # seconds
# Calculate iAC and iDC
iAC = _np.sqrt(2) * V / Z * _np.sin(omega * t + alpha - theta)
iDC = -_np.sqrt(2) * V / Z * \
_np.sin(alpha - theta) * _np.exp(-t / T)
i = iAC + iDC
# Return Values
return i, iAC, iDC, T
elif (t is not None and f is None) or (t is None and f is not None):
raise ValueError("ERROR: Inappropriate Arguments Provided.\n" +
"Must provide both t and f or neither.")
Iac = abs(V / Z)
return Iac
# Alias to original Name
iscrl = short_circuit_current
# Define Voltage Divider Calculator
def voltdiv(Vin, R1, R2, Rload=None):
Electrical Voltage Divider Function.
This function is designed to calculate the output
voltage of a voltage divider given the input voltage,
the resistances (or impedances) and the load resistance
(or impedance) if present.
.. math:: V_{out} = V_{in} * \frac{R_2}{R_1+R_2}
.. math:: V_{out}=V_{in}*\frac{R_2||R_{load}}{R_1+(R_2||R_{load})}
Vin: float
The Input Voltage, may be real or complex
R1: float
The top resistor of the divider (real or complex)
R2: float
The bottom resistor of the divider, the one which
the output voltage is measured across, may be
either real or complex
Rload: float, optional
The Load Resistor (or impedance), default=None
Vout: float
The Output voltage as measured across R2 and/or Rload
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.voltdiv(Vin=12, R1=4, R2=8)
>>> ep.voltdiv(Vin=12, R1=6, R2=12, Rload=12) # R2 and Rload are parallel
# Determine whether Rload is given
if Rload is None: # No Load Given
Vout = Vin * R2 / (R1 + R2)
else: # Load was given
Rp = R2 * Rload / (R2 + Rload)
Vout = Vin * Rp / (R1 + Rp)
return Vout
# Define Current Divider Calculator
def curdiv(Ri, Rset, Vin=None, Iin=None, Vout=False, combine=True):
Electrical Current Divider Function.
This function is disigned to accept the input current, or input
voltage to a resistor (or impedance) network of parallel resistors
(impedances) and calculate the current through a particular element.
Ri: float
The Particular Resistor of Interest, should not be included in
the tuple passed to Rset.
Rset: float
Tuple of remaining resistances (impedances) in network.
Vin: float, optional
The input voltage for the system, default=None
Iin: float, optional
The input current for the system, default=None
Vout: bool, optional
Control argument to enable return of the voltage across the
resistor (impedance) of interest (Ri)
combine: bool, optional
Control argument to force resistance combination. default=True
Opt1 - Ii: The Current through the resistor (impedance) of interest
Opt2 - (Ii,Vi): The afore mentioned current, and voltage across the
resistor (impedance) of interest
>>> from electricpy.constants import k
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.curdiv(Ri=1*k, Rset=(1*k, 1*k), Iin=12) # 12-amps, split three ways
>>> ep.curdiv(Ri=1*k, Rset=(1*k, 1*k), Iin=12, Vout=True) # Find Voltage
(4.0, 4000.0)
# Validate Tuple
if not isinstance(Rset, tuple):
Rset = (Rset,) # Set as Tuple
# Calculate The total impedance
if combine:
# Combine tuples, then calculate total resistance
Rtot = parallelz(Rset + (Ri,))
Rtot = parallelz(Rset)
# Determine Whether Input was given as Voltage or Current
if Vin is not None and Iin is None: # Vin Provided
Iin = Vin / Rtot # Calculate total current
Ii = Iin * Rtot / Ri # Calculate the current of interest
elif Vin is None and Iin is not None: # Iin provided
Ii = Iin * Rtot / Ri # Calculate the current of interest
raise ValueError("ERROR: Too many or too few constraints provided.")
if Vout: # Asked for voltage across resistor of interest
Vi = Ii * Ri
return Ii, Vi
return Ii
# Induction Machine Slip
def induction_machine_slip(Nr, freq=60, poles=4):
Induction Machine slip calculator.
This function is used to calculate the slip of an induction machine.
.. math:: slip = 1 - \frac{Nr}{120*frac{freq}{poles}}
Nr: float, Induction Machine Speed (in rpm)
freq: int, Supply AC frequency, default=60
poles: Number of poles inside Induction Machine, default=4
slip: float, Induction Machine forward Slip
Ns = (120 * freq) / poles
return (Ns - Nr) / (Ns)
# Define Function to Evaluate Resistance Needed for LED
def led_resistor(Vsrc, Vfwd=2, Ifwd=20):
LED Resistor Calculator.
This function will evaluate the necessary resistance value for a simple LED
circuit with a voltage source, resistor, and LED.
.. math:: R_\text{LED} = \frac{V_\text{SRC} - V_\text{FWD}}{I_\text{FWD}}
Vsrc: float
Source voltage, as measured across both LED and resistor in circuit.
Vfwd: float, optional
Forward voltage of LED (or series LEDs if available), default=2
Ifwd: float, optional
Forward current of LEDs in milliamps, default=20 (milliamps)
R: float
The resistance value most appropriate for the LED circuit.
# Calculate and Return!
R = (Vsrc - Vfwd) / (Ifwd * 1000)
return R
# Define Instantaneous Power Calculator
def instpower(P, Q, t, freq=60):
Instantaneous Power Function.
This function is designed to calculate the instantaneous power at a
specified time t given the magnitudes of P and Q.
.. math:: P_{inst} = P+P*cos(2*\omega*t)-Q*sin(2*\omega*t)
P: float
Magnitude of Real Power
Q: float
Magnitude of Reactive Power
t: float
Time at which to evaluate
freq: float, optional
System frequency (in Hz), default=60
float: Instantaneous Power at time t.
# Evaluate omega
w = 2 * _np.pi * freq
# Calculate
Pinst = P + P * _np.cos(2 * w * t) - Q * _np.sin(2 * w * t)
return Pinst
# Define Delta-Wye Impedance Network Calculator
def dynetz(delta=None, wye=None, round=None):
Delta-Wye Impedance Converter.
This function is designed to act as the conversion utility
to transform delta-connected impedance values to wye-
connected and vice-versa.
.. math::
Z_{sum} = Z_{1/2} + Z_{2/3} + Z_{3/1}//
Z_1 = \frac{Z_{1/2}*Z_{3/1}}{Z_{sum}}//
Z_2 = \frac{Z_{1/2}*Z_{2/3}}{Z_{sum}}//
Z_3 = \frac{Z_{2/3}*Z_{3/1}}{Z_{sum}}
.. math::
Z_{ms} = Z_1*Z_2 + Z_2*Z_3 + Z_3*Z_1//
Z_{2/3} = \frac{Z_{ms}}{Z_1}//
Z_{3/1} = \frac{Z_{ms}}{Z_2}//
Z_{1/2} = \frac{Z_{ms}}{Z_3}
delta: tuple of float, exclusive
Tuple of the delta-connected impedance values as:
{ Z12, Z23, Z31 }, default=None
wye: tuple of float, exclusive
Tuple of the wye-connected impedance valuse as:
{ Z1, Z2, Z3 }, default=None
delta-set: tuple of float
Delta-Connected impedance values { Z12, Z23, Z31 }
wye-set: tuple of float
Wye-Connected impedance values { Z1, Z2, Z3 }
if delta is None and wye is None:
raise ValueError(
"ERROR: Either delta or wye impedances must be specified."
# Determine which set of impedances was provided
if delta is not None and wye is None:
Z12, Z23, Z31 = delta # Gather particular impedances
Zsum = Z12 + Z23 + Z31 # Find Sum
# Calculate Wye Impedances
Z1 = Z12 * Z31 / Zsum
Z2 = Z12 * Z23 / Zsum
Z3 = Z23 * Z31 / Zsum
Zset = (Z1, Z2, Z3)
if round is not None:
Zset = _np.around(Zset, round)
return Zset # Return Wye Impedances
if delta is None and wye is not None:
Z1, Z2, Z3 = wye # Gather particular impedances
Zmultsum = Z1 * Z2 + Z2 * Z3 + Z3 * Z1
Z23 = Zmultsum / Z1
Z31 = Zmultsum / Z2
Z12 = Zmultsum / Z3
Zset = (Z12, Z23, Z31)
if round is not None:
Zset = _np.around(Zset, round)
return Zset # Return Delta Impedances
# calculating impedance of bridge network
def bridge_impedance(z1, z2, z3, z4, z5):
Bridge Impedance Calculator.
The following condition describing the Wheatstone Bridge is utilized to
ensure that current through `z5` will be zero.
.. math:: z1 \cdot z3 = z2 \cdot z4
.. image:: /static/WheatstoneBridgeCircuit.png
z1: [float, complex]
Bridge impedance 1iscrl
z2: [float, complex]
Bridge impedance 2
z3: [float, complex]
Bridge impedance 3
z4: [float, complex]
Bridge impedance 4
z5: [float, complex]
Detector impedance or impedance between two bridge branches
effective bridge impedance
if z1 * z3 == z2 * z4:
return (z1 + z2) * (z3 + z4) / (z1 + z2 + z3 + z4)
za, zb, zc = dynetz(delta=(z1, z5, z4))
ze1 = zb + z2
ze2 = zc + z3
return za + (ze1 * ze2) / (ze1 + ze2)
# Define Single Line Power Flow Calculator
def powerflow(Vsend, Vrec, Xline):
Approximated Power-Flow Calculator.
This function is designed to calculate the ammount of real
power transferred from the sending end to the recieving end
of an electrical line given the sending voltage (complex),
the receiving voltage (complex) and the line impedance.
.. math::
Vsend: complex
The sending-end voltage, should be complex
Vrec: complex
The receiving-end voltage, should be complex
Xline: float
The line admitance, should be float
pflow: float
The Real power transferred from sending-end to
receiving-end, positive values denote power
flow from send to receive, negative values
denote vice-versa.
# Evaluate the Input Terms
Vs = abs(Vsend)
ds = _c.phase(Vsend)
Vr = abs(Vrec)
dr = _c.phase(Vrec)
# Calculate Power Flow
pflow = (Vs * Vr) / Xline * _np.sin(ds - dr)
return pflow
# Define Impedance From Power and X/R
def zsource(S, V, XoR, Sbase=None, Vbase=None, perunit=True):
Source Impedance Calculator.
Used to calculate the source impedance given the apparent power
magnitude and the X/R ratio.
S: float
The (rated) apparent power magnitude of the source.
This may also be refferred to as the "Short-Circuit MVA"
V: float
The (rated) voltage of the source terminals, not
specifically identified as either Line-to-Line or Line-to-
XoR: float
The X/R ratio rated for the source, may optionally be a list
of floats to accomidate sequence impedances or otherwise.
Sbase: float, optional
The per-unit base for the apparent power. If set to
None, will automatically force Sbase to equal S.
If set to True will treat S as the per-unit value.
Vbase: float, optional
The per-unit base for the terminal voltage. If set to
None, will automaticlaly force Vbase to equal V. If
set to True, will treat V as the per-unit value.
perunit: boolean, optional
Control value to enable the return of output in per-
unit base. default=True
Zsource_pu: complex
The per-unit evaluation of the source impedance.
Will be returned in ohmic (not per-unit) value if
*perunit* argument is specified as False.
# Force Sbase and Vbase if needed
if Vbase is None:
Vbase = V
if Sbase is None:
Sbase = S
# Prevent scaling if per-unit already applied
if Vbase:
Vbase = 1
if Sbase:
Sbase = 1
# Set to per-unit
Spu = S / Sbase
Vpu = V / Vbase
# Evaluate Zsource Magnitude
Zsource_pu = Vpu ** 2 / Spu
# Evaluate the angle
nu = _np.degrees(_np.arctan(XoR))
# Conditionally Evaluate Phasor Impedance
if isinstance(nu, (list, _np.ndarray)):
Zsource_pu = []
for angle in nu:
Zsource_pu.append(phasors(Zsource_pu, angle))
Zsource_pu = phasors(Zsource_pu, nu)
if not perunit:
Zsource = Zsource_pu * Vbase ** 2 / Sbase
return Zsource
return Zsource_pu
# Define Impedance Decomposer
def zdecompose(Zmag, XoR):
Impedance Decomposition Function.
A function to decompose the impedance magnitude into its
corresponding resistance and reactance using the X/R ratio.
It is possible to "neglect" R, or make it a very small number;
this is done by setting the X/R ratio to a very large number
(X being much larger than R).
Zmag: float
The magnitude of the impedance.
XoR: float
The X/R ratio (reactance over impedance).
R: float
The resistance (in ohms)
X: float
The reactance (in ohms)
# Evaluate Resistance
R = Zmag / _np.sqrt(XoR ** 2 + 1)
# Evaluate Reactance
X = R * XoR
# Return
return R, X
# Define Power Reactance Calculator
def powerimpedance(S, V, PF=None, parallel=False, terms=False):
Impedance from Apparent Power Formula.
Function to determine the ohmic resistance/reactance
(impedance) represented by the apparent power (S).
.. math:: R = \frac{V^2}{P} \hspace{2cm} X = \frac{V^2}{Q}
:label: series-resistance
.. math:: Z = \left(\frac{V^2}{S}\right)^*
:label: series-impedance
.. math:: Z = \left(\frac{V^2}{(3*S)}\right)^*
:label: parallel
This function can evaluate the component values for
both series :eq:`series-resistance`/:eq:`series-impedance`
and parallel :eq:`parallel` connected circuits.
S: complex, float
The apparent power of the passive element,
may be purely resistive or purely reactive.
V: float
The operating voltage of the passive element.
Note that this is specifically not Line-Line or
Line-Neutral voltage, rather the voltage of the
PF: float, optional
The operating Power-Factor, should be specified
if S is given as a float (not complex). Positive
PF correlates to lagging, negative to leading.
parallel: bool, optional
Control point to specify whether the ohmic
impedance should be returned as series components
(False opt.) or parallel components (True opt.).
terms: bool, optional
Control point to specify whether return should
be made as resistance and reactance, or simply
the complex impedance. Setting of False will
return complex impedance, setting of True will
return individual components (R, X).
R: float
The ohmic resistance required to consume the
specified apparent power (S) at the rated
voltage (V).
X: float
The ohmic reactance required to consume the
specified apparent power (S) at the rated
voltage (V).
# Condition Inputs
V = abs(V)
# Test for Parallel Component Option and Evaluate
if isinstance(S, complex) or PF is not None:
if PF is not None:
# Evaluate Elements
P, Q, S, PF = powerset(S=S, PF=PF)
P = S.real
Q = S.imag
# Compute Elements
if parallel:
Zp = V ** 2 / (3 * (P + 1j * Q))
Zp = V ** 2 / (P + 1j * Q)
Z = _np.conjugate(Zp)
R = Z.real
X = Z.imag
# Conditionally Return as Impedance
if terms:
return (R, X)
return Z
# Not Complex (just R)
R = V ** 2 / S
return R
# Define function to find VDC setpoint
def vscdcbus(VLL, Zs, P, Q=0, mmax=0.8, debug=False):
Voltage Sourced Converter DC Bus Voltage Function.
The purpose of this function is to calculate the
required DC-bus voltage for a Voltage-Sourced-
Converter (VSC) given the desired P/Q parameters
and the known source impedance (Vs) of the VSC.
VLL: complex
Line-to-Line voltage on the line-side of
the source impedance.
Zs: complex
The source impedance of the VSC
P: float
The desired real-power output
Q: float, optional
The desired reactive-power output, default=0
mmax: float, optional
The maximum of the m value for the converter
debug: bool, optional
Control value to enable printing stages of
the calculation, default=False
VDC: float
The DC bus voltage.
# Determine the Load Current
Iload = _np.conj((P + 1j * Q) / (VLL * _np.sqrt(3)))
# Evaluate the Terminal Voltage
Vtln = abs(VLL / _np.sqrt(3) + Iload * Zs)
# Find the Peak Terminal Voltage
Vtpk = _np.sqrt(2) * Vtln
# Calculate the VDC value
VDC = 2 * Vtpk / mmax
if debug:
print("Iload", Iload)
print("Vtln", Vtln)
print("Vtpk", Vtpk)
print("VDC", VDC)
return VDC
# Define kp/ki/w0L calculating function
def vscgains(Rs, Ls, tau=0.005, freq=60):
Voltage Sourced Converter Gains Calculator.
This function is designed to calculate the kp, ki,
and omega-not-L values for a Phase-Lock-Loop based VSC.
Rs: float
The equiv-resistance (in ohms) of the VSC
Ls: float
The equiv-inductance (in Henrys) of the VSC
tau: float, optional
The desired time-constant, default=0.005
freq: float, optional
The system frequency (in Hz), default=60
kp: float
The Kp-Gain Value
ki: float
The Ki-Gain Value
w0L: float
The omega-not-L gain value
# Calculate kp
kp = Ls / tau
# Calculate ki
ki = kp * Rs / Ls
# Calculate w0L
w0L = 2 * _np.pi * freq * Ls
return kp, ki, w0L
# Define Peak Calculator
def peak(val):
Sinusoid RMS to Peak Converter.
Provides a readable format to convert an RMS (Root-Mean-Square) value to its
peak representation. Performs a simple multiplication with the square-root
of two.
.. math:: V_{\text{peak}} = \sqrt{2} \cdot V_{\text{RMS}}
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.peak(120)
return _np.sqrt(2) * val
# Define RMS Calculator
def rms(val):
Sinusoid Peak to RMS Converter.
Provides a readable format to convert a peak value to its RMS
(Root-Mean-Square) representation. Performs a simple division by the
square-root of two.
.. math:: V_{\text{RMS}} = \frac{V_{\text{peak}}}{\sqrt{2}}
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.rms(169.7)
return val * _np.sqrt(0.5)
# Define Normalized Power Spectrum Function
def wrms(func, dw=0.1, NN=100, quad=False, plot=True,
title="Power Density Spectrum", round=3):
WRMS Function.
This function is designed to calculate the RMS bandwidth (Wrms) using a
numerical process.
func: function
The callable function to use for evaluation
dw: float, optional
The delta-omega to be used, default=0.1
NN: int, optional
The total number of points, default=100
quad: bool, optional
Control value to enable use of integrals
plot: bool, optional
Control to enable plotting, default=True
title: string, optional
Title displayed with plot,
default="Power Density Spectrum"
round: int, optional
Control to round the Wrms on plot,
W: float
Calculated RMS Bandwidth (rad/sec)
# Define omega
omega = _np.linspace(0, (NN - 1) * dw, NN)
# Initialize Fraction Terms
Stot = Sw2 = 0
# Power Density Spectrum
Sxx = _np.array([])
for n in range(NN):
# Calculate Power Density Spectrum
Sxx = _np.append(Sxx, func(omega[n]))
Stot = Stot + Sxx[n]
Sw2 = Sw2 + (omega[n] ** 2) * Sxx[n]
if quad:
def intf(w):
return w ** 2 * func(w)
num = integrate(intf, 0, _np.inf)[0]
den = integrate(func, 0, _np.inf)[0]
# Calculate W
W = _np.sqrt(num / den)
# Calculate W
W = _np.sqrt(Sw2 / Stot)
Wr = _np.around(W, round)
# Plot Upon Request
if plot:
_plt.plot(omega, Sxx)
# Evaluate Text Location
x = 0.65 * max(omega)
y = 0.80 * max(Sxx)
_plt.text(x, y, "Wrms: " + str(Wr))
# Return Calculated RMS Bandwidth
return W
# Define Hartley's Equation for Data Capacity
def hartleydata(BW, M):
Hartley Data Function.
Function to calculate Hartley's Law, the maximum data rate achievable for
a given noiseless channel.
BW: float
Bandwidth of the data channel.
M: float
Number of signal levels.
C: float
Capacity of channel (in bits per second)
C = 2 * BW * _np.log2(M)
return C
# Define Shannon's Equation For Data Capacity
def shannondata(BW, S, N):
Shannon Data Function.
Function to calculate the maximum data rate that may be achieved given a
data channel and signal/noise characteristics using Shannon's equation.
BW: float
Bandwidth of the data channel.
S: float
Signal strength (in Watts).
N: float
Noise strength (in Watts).
C: float
Capacity of channel (in bits per second)
C = BW * _np.log2(1 + S / N)
return C
# Define Per-Unit Impedance Formula
def zpu(S, VLL=None, VLN=None):
Per-Unit Impedance Evaluator.
Evaluates the per-unit impedance value given the per-unit power and voltage
.. math:: Z_{pu}=\frac{V_{LL}^2}{S}
.. math:: Z_{pu}=\frac{(\sqrt{3}*V_{LN})^2}{S}
S: float
The per-unit power base.
VLL: float, optional
The Line-to-Line Voltage; default=None
VLN: float, optional
The Line-to-Neutral Voltage; default=None
Zbase: float
The per-unit impedance base.
if VLL is None and VLN is None:
raise ValueError("ERROR: One voltage must be provided.")
if VLL is not None:
return VLL ** 2 / S
return (_np.sqrt(3) * VLN) ** 2 / S
# Define Per-Unit Current Formula
def ipu(S, VLL=None, VLN=None, V1phs=None):
Per-Unit Current Evaluator.
Evaluates the per-unit current value given the per-unit
power and voltage bases.
.. math:: I_{pu}=\frac{S}{\sqrt{3}*V_{LL}}
.. math:: I_{pu}=\frac{S}{3*V_{LN}}
S: float
The per-unit power base.
VLL: float, optional
The Line-to-Line Voltage; default=None
VLN: float, optional
The Line-to-Neutral Voltage; default=None
V1phs: float, optional
The voltage base of the single phase system.
Ibase: float
The per-unit current base.
if VLL is None and VLN is None:
raise ValueError("ERROR: One voltage must be provided.")
if VLL is not None:
return S / (_np.sqrt(3) * VLL)
elif VLN is not None:
return S / (3 * VLN)
return S / V1phs
# Define Per-Unit Change of Base Function
def puchgbase(quantity, puB_old, puB_new):
Per-Unit Change of Base Function.
Performs a per-unit change of base operation for the given
value constrained by the old base and new base.
.. math:: Z_{pu-new}=Z_{pu-old}*\frac{BASE_{OLD}}{BASE_{NEW}}
quantity: complex
Current per-unit value in old base.
puB_old: float
Old per-unit base.
puB_new: float
New per-unit base.
pu_new: complex
New per-unit value.
pu_new = quantity * puB_old / puB_new
return pu_new
# Define Recomposition Function
def zrecompose(z_pu, S3phs, VLL=None, VLN=None):
Impedance from Per-Unit System Evaluator.
Function to reverse per-unit conversion and return the ohmic value
of an impedance given its per-unit parameters of R and X (as Z).
z_pu: complex
The per-unit, complex value corresponding to the
S3phs: float
The total three-phase power rating of the system.
VLL: float, optional
The Line-to-Line Voltage; default=None
VLN: float, optional
The Line-to-Neutral Voltage; default=None
z: complex
The ohmic impedance evaluated from the per-unit base.
# Evaluate the per-unit impedance
zbase = zpu(S3phs, VLL, VLN)
# Evaluate the impedance
z = z_pu * zbase
return z
# Define X/R Recomposition Function
def rxrecompose(x_pu, XoR, S3phs=None, VLL=None, VLN=None):
Resistance/Reactance from Per-Unit System Evaluator.
Function to reverse per-unit conversion and return the ohmic value
of an impedance given its per-unit parameters of X.
x_pu: float
The per-unit, complex value corresponding to the
XoR: float
The X/R ratio (reactance over impedance).
S3phs: float, optional
The total three-phase power rating of the system.
If left as None, the per-unit values will be set
to 1, resulting in an unscaled impedance
VLL: float, optional
The Line-to-Line Voltage; default=None
VLN: float, optional
The Line-to-Neutral Voltage; default=None
z: complex
The ohmic impedance evaluated from the per-unit base.
# Ensure Absolute Value
x_pu = abs(x_pu)
# Find R from X/R
r_pu = x_pu / XoR
# Compose into z
z_pu = r_pu + 1j * x_pu
# Recompose
if S3phs is None:
return z_pu
z = zrecompose(z_pu, S3phs, VLL, VLN)
return z
# Define Generator Internal Voltage Calculator
def geninternalv(I, Zs, Vt, Vgn=None, Zm=None, Zmp=None, Zmpp=None, Ip=None, Ipp=None):
Electric Generator Internal Voltage Evaluator.
Evaluates the internal voltage for a generator given the
generator's internal impedance and internal mutual coupling
impedance values.
I: complex
The current on the phase of interest.
Zs: complex
The internal impedance of the phase of
interest in ohms.
Vt: complex
The generator's terminal voltage.
Vgn: complex, optional
The ground-to-neutral connection voltage.
Zmp: complex, optional
The mutual coupling with the first additional
phase impedance in ohms.
Zmpp: complex, optional
The mutual coupling with the second additional
phase impedance in ohms.
Ip: complex, optional
The first mutual phase current in amps.
Ipp: complex, optional
The second mutual phase current in amps.
Ea: complex
The internal voltage of the generator.
# All Parameters Provided
if Zmp == Zmpp == Ip == Ipp is not None:
if Vgn is None:
Vgn = 0
Ea = Zs * I + Zmp * Ip + Zmpp * Ipp + Vt + Vgn
# Select Parameters Provided
elif Vgn == Zm == Ip == Ipp is None:
Ea = Zs * I + Vt
# Invalid Parameter Set
raise ValueError("Invalid Parameter Set")
return Ea
# FFT Coefficient Calculator Function
def funcfft(func, minfreq=60, maxmult=15, complex=False):
FFT Evaluator for Callable Functions.
Given the callable function handle for a periodic function,
evaluates the harmonic components of the function.
func: function
Callable function from which to evaluate values.
minfreq: float, optional
Minimum frequency (in Hz) at which to evaluate FFT.
maxmult: int, optional
Maximum harmonic (multiple of minfreq) which to
evaluate. default=15
complex: bool, optional
Control argument to force returned values into
complex format.
DC: float
The DC offset of the FFT result.
A: list of float
The real components from the FFT.
B: list of float
The imaginary components from the FFT.
# Apply Nyquist scaling
NN = 2 * maxmult + 2
# Determine Time from Fundamental Frequency
T = 1 / minfreq
# Generate time range to apply for FFT
t, dt = _np.linspace(0, T, NN, endpoint=False, retstep=True)
# Evaluate FFT
y = _np.fft.rfft(func(t)) / t.size
# Return Complex Values
if complex:
return y
# Split out useful values
y *= 2
return y[0].real, y[1:-1].real, -y[1:-1].imag
def sampfft(data, dt, minfreq=60.0, complex=False):
Sample Dataset FFT Evaluator.
Given a data array and the delta-t for the data array, evaluates
the harmonic composition of the data.
data: numpy.ndarray
Numpy data array containing 1-D values.
dt: float
Time-difference (delta-t) between data samples.
minfreq: float, optional
Minimum frequency (in Hz) at which to evaluate FFT.
complex: bool, optional
Control argument to force returned values into
complex format.
DC: float
The DC offset of the FFT result.
A: list of float
The real components from the FFT.
B: list of float
The imaginary components from the FFT.
# Calculate Terms
FR = 1 / (dt * len(data))
NN = 1 // (dt * minfreq)
# Test for Invalid System
if FR > minfreq:
raise ValueError(
"Too few data samples to evaluate FFT at specified minimum "
elif FR == minfreq:
# Evaluate FFT
y = _np.fft.rfft(data) / len(data)
# Slice data array to appropriate fundamental frequency
cut_data = data[:int(NN)]
# Evaluate FFT
y = _np.fft.rfft(cut_data) / len(cut_data)
# Return Complex Values
if complex:
return (y)
# Split out useful values
y *= 2
return y[0].real, y[1:-1].real, -y[1:-1].imag
# Define FFT Plotting Function
def fftplot(dc, real, imag=None, title="Fourier Coefficients"):
FFT System Plotter.
Plotting function for FFT (harmonic) values, plots the DC, Real, and
Imaginary components.
dc: float
The DC offset term
real: list of float
Real terms of FFT (cosine terms)
imag: list of float, optional
Imaginary terms of FFT (sine terms)
title: str, optional
String appended to plot title,
default="Fourier Coefficients"
matplotlib.pyplot: Plotting object to be used for additional configuration
or plotting.
# Define Range values for plots
rng = range(1, len(real) + 1, 1)
xtic = range(0, len(real) + 1, 1)
# Set up Arguments
a0x = [0, 0]
a0y = [0, dc / 2]
# Plot
_plt.plot(a0x, a0y, 'g', label="DC-Term")
if imag is not None:
_plt.xlabel("Harmonics (Multiple of Fundamental)")
_plt.ylabel("Harmonic Magnitude")
_plt.axhline(0.0, color='k')
if (len(xtic) < 50):
return _plt
# Define FFT Composition Plotting Function
def fftsumplot(dc, real, imag=None, freq=60, xrange=None, npts=1000,
plotall=False, title="Fourier Series Summation"):
FFT Summation Plotter.
Function to generate the plot of the sumed FFT results.
dc: float
The DC offset term
real: list of float
Real terms of FFT (cosine terms)
imag: list of float
Imaginary terms of FFT (sine terms)
freq: float, optional
Fundamental (minimum nonzero) frequency in Hz,
xrange: list of float, optional
List of two floats containing the minimum
time and the maximum time.
npts: int, optional
Number of time step points, default=1000
title: str, optional
String appended to plot title,
default="Fourier Series Summation"
matplotlib.pyplot: Plotting object to be used for additional configuration
or plotting.
# Determine the number (N) of terms
N = len(real)
# Determine the system period (T)
T = 1 / freq
# Generate Domain Array
if xrange is None:
x = _np.linspace(0, T, npts)
x = _np.linspace(xrange[0], xrange[1], npts)
# Initialize output with DC term
yout = _np.ones(len(x)) * dc
# Plot each iteration of the Fourier Series
for k in range(1, N):
if plotall:
_plt.plot(x, yout)
yout += real[k - 1] * _np.cos(k * 2 * _np.pi * x / T)
if imag is not None:
yout += imag[k - 1] * _np.sin(k * 2 * _np.pi * x / T)
_plt.plot(x, yout)
_plt.xlabel("Time (seconds)")
return _plt
# Define harmonic system generation function
def harmonics(real, imag=None, dc=0, freq=60, domain=None):
Harmonic Function Generator.
Generate a function or dataset for a harmonic system
given the real (cosine), imaginary (sine), and DC
components of the system.
real: list of float
The real (cosine) component coefficients
for the harmonic system.
imag: list of float, optional
The imaginary (sine) component coefficients
for the harmonic system.
dc: float, optional
The DC offset for the harmonic system,
freq: float, optional
The fundamental frequency of the system in
Hz, default=60
domain: list of float, optional
Domain of time samples at which to calculate
the harmonic system, must be array-like, will
cause function to return numpy array instead
of function object.
system: function
Function object handle which can be used to
call the function to evaluate the harmonic
system at specified times.
# Validate Inputs
if not isinstance(real, (list, _np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError("Argument *real* must be array-like.")
if imag is not None and not isinstance(imag, (list, _np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError("Argument *imag* must be array-like.")
# Calculate Omega
w = 2 * _np.pi * freq
def _harmonic_(t):
out = dc
for k in range(len(real)):
# Evaluate Current Coefficient
A = real[k]
if imag is not None:
B = imag[k]
B = 0
m = k + 1
# Calculate Output
out += A * _np.cos(m * w * t) + B * _np.sin(m * w * t)
# Return Value
return (out)
if domain is None:
return _harmonic_ # Return as callable for external use
return _harmonic_(domain)
# Define Single Phase Motor Startup Capacitor Formula
def motorstartcap(V, I, freq=60):
Single Phase Motor Starting Capacitor Function.
Function to evaluate a reccomended value for the
startup capacitor associated with a single phase
V: float
Magnitude of motor terminal voltage in volts.
I: float
Magnitude of motor no-load current in amps.
freq: float, optional
Motor/System frequency, default=60.
C: float
Suggested capacitance in Farads.
# Condition Inputs
I = abs(I)
V = abs(V)
# Calculate Capacitance
return I / (2 * _np.pi * freq * V)
# Define Power Factor Correction Function
def pfcorrection(S, PFold, PFnew, VLL=None, VLN=None, V=None, freq=60):
Power Factor Correction Function.
Function to evaluate the additional reactive power and
capacitance required to achieve the desired power factor
given the old power factor and new power factor.
S: float
Apparent power consumed by the load.
PFold: float
The current (old) power factor, should be a decimal
PFnew: float
The desired (new) power factor, should be a decimal
VLL: float, optional
The Line-to-Line Voltage; default=None
VLN: float, optional
The Line-to-Neutral Voltage; default=None
V: float, optional
Voltage across the capacitor, ignores line-to-line
or line-to-neutral constraints. default=None
freq: float, optional
System frequency, default=60
C: float
Required capacitance in Farads.
Qc: float
Difference of reactive power, (Qc = Qnew - Qold)
# Condition Inputs
S = abs(S)
# Calculate Initial Terms
Pold = S * PFold
Qold = _np.sqrt(S ** 2 - Pold ** 2)
# Evaluate Reactive Power Requirements
Scorrected = Pold / PFnew
Qcorrected = _np.sqrt(Scorrected ** 2 - Pold ** 2)
Qc = Qold - Qcorrected
# Evaluate Capacitance Based on Voltage Input
if VLL == VLN == V is None:
raise ValueError("One voltage must be specified.")
elif VLN is not None:
C = Qc / (2 * _np.pi * freq * 3 * VLN ** 2)
if VLL is not None:
C = Qc / (2 * _np.pi * freq * V ** 2)
# Return Value
return C, Qc
# Define Apparent Power / Voltage / Current Relation Function
def acpiv(S=None, I=None, VLL=None, VLN=None, V=None, PF=None):
AC Power-Voltage-Current Relation Function.
Relationship function to return apparent power, voltage, or
current in one of various forms.
S: complex, optional
Apparent power, may be single or three-phase,
specified in volt-amps (VAs)
I: complex, optional
Phase current in amps
VLL: complex, optional
Line-to-Line voltage in volts
VLN: complex, optional
Line-to-Neutral voltage in volts
V: complex, optional
Single-phase voltage in volts
PF: float, optional
Power factor to condition the apparent power to an appropriate
complex value.
S: complex
Apparent power, returned only if one voltage
and current is specified
I: complex
Phase current, returned only if one voltage
and apparent power is specified
VLL: complex
Line-to-Line voltage, returned only if current
and apparent power specified, returned as set
with other voltages in form: (VLL, VLN, V)
VLN: complex
Line-to-Neutral voltage, returned only if
current and apparent power specified, returned
as set with other voltages in form: (VLL, VLN, V)
V: complex
Single-phase voltage, returned only if current
and apparent power specified, returned as set
with other voltages in form: (VLL, VLN, V)
PF: float, optional
Supporting argument to convert floating-point
apparent power to complex representation.
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> ep.acpiv(S=550, V=167)
>>> ep.acpiv(S=550, I=3.2934131736526946)
(96.4174949546675, 55.66666666666667, 167.0)
# Validate Inputs
if S == I is None:
raise ValueError("To few arguments.")
# Convert Apparent Power to Complex
if PF is not None:
S = S * PF + 1j * _np.sqrt(S ** 2 - (S * PF) ** 2)
# Solve Single-Phase
if V is not None:
if S is None: # Solve for Apparent Power
S = V * _np.conj(I)
return S
else: # Solve for Current
I = _np.conj(S / V)
return I
# Solve Line-to-Line
elif VLL is not None:
if S is None: # Solve for Apparent Power
S = _np.sqrt(3) * VLL * _np.conj(I)
return S
else: # Solve for Current
I = _np.conj(S / (_np.sqrt(3) * VLL))
return I
# Solve Line-to-Neutral
elif VLN is not None:
if S is None: # Solve for Apparent Power
S = 3 * VLN * _np.conj(I)
return S
else: # Solve for Current
I = _np.conj(S / (3 * VLN))
return I
# Solve for Voltages
V = S / _np.conj(I)
VLL = S / (_np.sqrt(3) * _np.conj(I))
VLN = S / (3 * _np.conj(I))
return VLL, VLN, V
# Define Primary Ratio Function
def primary(val, Np, Ns=1, invert=False):
Electrical Transformer Primary Evaluator.
Returns a current or voltage value reflected across
a transformer with a specified turns ratio Np/Ns.
Converts to the primary side.
val: complex
Value to be reflected across transformer.
Np: float
Number of turns on primary side.
Ns: float, optional
Number of turns on secondary side.
invert: bool, optional
Control argument to invert the turns ratio,
used when reflecting current across a
voltage transformer, or voltage across a
current transformer.
reflection: complex
The reflected value referred to the primary
side according to Np and Ns.
if invert:
return val * Ns / Np
return val * Np / Ns
# Define Secondary Ratio Function
def secondary(val, Np, Ns=1, invert=False):
Electrical Transformer Secondary Evaluator.
Returns a current or voltage value reflected across
a transformer with a specified turns ratio Np/Ns.
Converts to the secondary side.
val: complex
Value to be reflected across transformer.
Np: float
Number of turns on primary side.
Ns: float, optional
Number of turns on secondary side.
invert: bool, optional
Control argument to invert the turns ratio,
used when reflecting current across a
voltage transformer, or voltage across a
current transformer.
reflection: complex
The reflected value referred to the secondary
side according to Np and Ns.
if invert:
return val * Np / Ns
return val * Ns / Np
def suspension_insulators(number_capacitors, capacitance_ratio, Voltage):
Discrete Capacitors Voltage in a Suspension Insulator Strain.
To perform the calculations described here, the following formulas are
satisfied, and used to construct a matrix used to solve for
:math:`V_i \text{i in range(1,n)}`.
.. math:: \sum_{i=1}^{n-2} V_{i} + V_{n-1} \cdot (1+m) - V_{n} \cdot m=0
.. math:: \sum_{i=1}^{n} V_{i} = V_{\text{transmission line}}
.. image:: /static/SuspensionInuslator.png
`Additional Information
number_capacitors: int
Number of disk capacitors hung to transmission line
capacitance_ratio: float
Ratio of disk capacitance and pin to pole air
Voltage: float
Voltage difference between the transmission line and
string_efficiency: float
String efficiency of capacitive disks
capacitor_disk_voltages: float
Voltage across each capacitive disk starting
from top to bottom
m = _np.zeros((number_capacitors, number_capacitors))
# Iterate over capacitors
for i in range(number_capacitors - 1):
# Iterate over capacitors
for j in range(number_capacitors - 1):
# If inner iteration is less than outer iteration
if i >= j:
m[i, j] = 1 / capacitance_ratio
for i in range(number_capacitors - 1):
m[i, i] = (1 + 1 / capacitance_ratio)
m[i, i + 1] = -1
m[number_capacitors - 1, :] = 1
v = _np.zeros((number_capacitors, 1))
v[number_capacitors - 1, 0] = Voltage
capacitor_disk_voltages = _np.matmul(_np.linalg.inv(m), v)
string_efficiency = (
(Voltage * 100) / (number_capacitors * capacitor_disk_voltages[-1, 0])
return capacitor_disk_voltages, string_efficiency
# Define Natural Frequency/Resonant Frequency Calculator
def natfreq(C, L, Hz=True):
Natural Frequency Evaluator.
Evaluates the natural frequency (resonant frequency) of a circuit given the
circuit's C and L values. Defaults to returning values in Hz, but may also
return in rad/sec.
.. math:: freq=\frac{1}{\sqrt{L*C}*(2*\pi)}
C: float
Capacitance Value in Farads.
L: float
Inductance in Henries.
Hz: bool, optional
Control argument to set return value in either
Hz or rad/sec; default=True.
freq: float
Natural (Resonant) frequency, will be in Hz if
argument *Hz* is set True (default), or rad/sec
if argument is set False.
# Evaluate Natural Frequency in rad/sec
freq = 1 / _np.sqrt(L * C)
# Convert to Hz as requested
if Hz:
freq = freq / (2 * _np.pi)
return (freq)
# Define Voltage/Current Unbalance Equation
def unbalance(A, B, C, all=False):
Voltage/Current Unbalance Function.
Performs a voltage/current unbalance calculation
to determine the maximum current/voltage
unbalance. Returns result as a decimal percentage.
A: float
Phase-A value
B: float
Phase-B value
C: float
Phase-C value
all: bool, optional
Control argument to require function
to return all voltage/current unbalances.
unbalance: float
The unbalance as a percentage of the
average. (i.e. 80% = 0.8)
# Condition Inputs
A = abs(A)
B = abs(B)
C = abs(C)
# Gather Average
avg = (A + B + C) / 3
# Determine Variance
dA = abs(A - avg)
dB = abs(B - avg)
dC = abs(C - avg)
# Gather Maximum Variation
mx = max(dA, dB, dC)
# Calculate Maximum Variation
unbalance = mx / avg
# Return Results
if all:
return dA / avg, dB / avg, dC / avg
return unbalance
# Define Cosine Filter Function
def cosfilt(arr, Srate, domain=False):
Cosine Filter Function.
Cosine Filter function for filtering a dataset
representing a sinusoidal function with or without
harmonics to evaluate the fundamental value.
arr: numpy.ndarray
The input data array.
Srate: int
Sampling rate for dataset, specified in
number of values per fundamental cycle.
domain: bool, optional
Control argument to force return of
x-axis array for the filtered data.
cosf: numpy.ndarray
Cosine-filtered data
xarray: numpy.ndarray
X-axis array for the filtered data.
# Evaluate index set
ind = _np.arange(Srate - 1, len(arr) - 1)
# Define Cosine Coefficient Function
def cos(k, Srate):
return _np.cos(2 * _np.pi * k / Srate)
# Calculate Constant
const = 2 / Srate
# Iteratively Calculate
cosf = 0
for k in range(0, Srate - 1):
slc = (ind - (Srate - 1)) + k
cosf += cos(k, Srate) * arr[slc]
# Scale
cosf = const * cosf
# Return Cosine-Filtered Array
if domain:
xarray = _np.linspace(Srate + Srate / 4 - 1, len(arr) - 1, len(cosf))
xarray = xarray / Srate
return cosf, xarray
return cosf
# Define Sine Filter Function
def sinfilt(arr, Srate, domain=False):
Sine Filter Function.
Sine Filter function for filtering a dataset
representing a sinusoidal function with or without
harmonics to evaluate the fundamental value.
arr: numpy.ndarray
The input data array.
Srate: int
Sampling rate for dataset, specified in
number of values per fundamental cycle.
domain: bool, optional
Control argument to force return of
x-axis array for the filtered data.
sinf: numpy.ndarray
Sine-filtered data
xarray: numpy.ndarray
X-axis array for the filtered data.
# Evaluate index set
ind = _np.arange(Srate - 1, len(arr) - 1)
# Define Cosine Coefficient Function
def sin(k, Srate):
return _np.sin(2 * _np.pi * k / Srate)
# Calculate Constant
const = 2 / Srate
# Iteratively Calculate
sinf = 0
for k in range(0, Srate - 1):
slc = (ind - (Srate - 1)) + k
sinf += sin(k, Srate) * arr[slc]
# Scale
sinf = const * sinf
# Return Cosine-Filtered Array
if domain:
xarray = _np.linspace(Srate + Srate / 4 - 1, len(arr) - 1, len(sinf))
xarray = xarray / Srate
return sinf, xarray
return sinf
# Define Characteristic Impedance Calculator
def characterz(R, G, L, C, freq=60):
Characteristic Impedance Calculator.
Function to evaluate the characteristic
impedance of a system with specefied
line parameters as defined. System uses
the standard characteristic impedance
equation :eq:`Zc`.
.. math:: Z_c = \sqrt{\frac{R+j\omega L}{G+j\omega C}}
:label: Zc
R: float
Resistance in ohms.
G: float
Conductance in mhos (siemens).
L: float
Inductance in Henries.
C: float
Capacitance in Farads.
freq: float, optional
System frequency in Hz, default=60
Zc: complex
Charcteristic Impedance of specified line.
# Evaluate omega
w = 2 * _np.pi * freq
# Evaluate Zc
Zc = _np.sqrt((R + 1j * w * L) / (G + 1j * w * C))
return (Zc)
# Define propagation_constants for long transmission line
def propagation_constants(z, y, length):
Transaction Line Propagation Constant Calculator.
This function will evaluate the propagation constants for a long transmission
line whose properties are governed by the differential equation:
.. math:: \frac{d^2V}{dx^2} = \gamma V
From the above equation, the following formulas are derived to evaluate the
desired constants.
.. math:: \gamma = \sqrt( z * y )
.. math:: Z_{\text{surge}} = \sqrt( z / y )
.. math:: \alpha = \Re{ \gamma }
.. math:: \beta = \Im{ \gamma }
z: complex
Impedence of the transmission line: R+j*2*pi*f*L
y: complex
Admitance of the transmission line g+j*2*pi*f*C
params: dict
Dictionary of propagation constants including:
gamma: Propagation constant
zc: Surge impedance
alpha: Attenuation constant
beta: Imaginary portion of gamma
# Validate the line length is substantial enough for calculation
if not (length > 500):
raise ValueError(
"Long transmission line length should be grater than 500km"
gamma = _np.sqrt(z * y)
alpha = gamma.real
beta = gamma.imag
zc = _np.sqrt(z / y)
params = {
'gamma': gamma,
'alpha': alpha,
'beta': beta,
'Surge_impedance': zc
return params
# Define De Calculator for Transmission Lines
def de_calc(rho, freq=60):
De Transmission Line Value Calculator.
Simple calculator to find the De value for a line
with particular earth resistivity (rho).
.. math:: D_e=D_{e_{\text{constant}}}\sqrt{\frac{\rho}{freq}}
rho: float
Earth resistivity (in ohm-meters), may also
be passed a string in the set: {SEA, SWAMP,
freq: float, optional
System frequency in Hertz, default=60
# If Descriptive String Provided, Use to Determine Rho
if isinstance(rho, str):
rho = rho.upper()
rho = RHO_VALUES[rho]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid Earth Resistivity string try to select \
# Calculate De
De = De0 * _np.sqrt(rho / freq)
return De
# Define Impedance Per Length Calculator
def zperlength(Rd=None, Rself=None, Rac=None, Rgwac=None, De=None,
rho="AVG", Ds=None, Dsgw=None, dia_gw=None, Dab=None,
Dbc=None, Dca=None, Dagw=None, Dbgw=None, Dcgw=None,
resolve=True, freq=60):
Transmission Line Impedance (RL) Calculator.
Simple impedance matrix generator to provide the full
impedance per length matrix.
Rd: float, optional
Resistance Rd term in ohms, will be generated
automatically if set to None, default=None
Rself: float, optional
Self Resistance term in ohms.
Rac: float, optional
AC resistance in ohms.
Rgwac: float, optional
Ground-Wire AC resistance in ohms.
De: float, optional
De term, in feet, if None provided, and `rho`
parameter is specified, will interpretively be
rho: float, optional
Earth resistivity in ohm-meters. default="AVG"
Ds: float, optional
Distance (self) for each phase conductor in feet,
commonly known as GMD.
Dsgw: float, optional
Distance (self) for the ground wire conductor in
feet, commonly known as GMD.
dia_gw: float, optional
Ground-Wire diameter in feet, may be used to
calculate an approximate Dsgw if no Dsgw is provided.
Dab: float, optional
Distance between phases A and B, in feet.
Dbc: float, optional
Distance between phases B and C, in feet.
Dca: float, optional
Distance between phases C and A, in feet.
Dagw: float, optional
Distance between phase A and ground conductor, in feet.
Dbgw: float, optional
Distance between phase B and ground conductor, in feet.
Dcgw: float, optional
Distance between phase C and ground conductor, in feet.
resolve: bool, optional
Control argument to specify whether the resultant
ground-wire inclusive per-length impedance matrix
should be reduced to a 3x3 equivalent matrix.
freq: float, optional
System frequency in Hertz.
# Start with Empty Arrays
Rperlen = 0
Lperlen = 0
# Generate Rd
if Rd is None:
Rd = freq * carson_r
# Generate Dsgw if Not Provided
if Dsgw is None and dia_gw is not None:
Dsgw = _np.exp(-1 / 4) * dia_gw / 2
# Generate Real Part
if Rd > 0:
# Generate Rself if not Provided
if Rself is None:
# Validate Inputs
if not all((Rd, Rac)):
raise ValueError("Too few arguments")
Rself = Rac + Rd
# Generate RperLength Matrix
Rperlen = _np.array([
[Rself, Rd, Rd],
[Rd, Rself, Rd],
[Rd, Rd, Rself]
# Add GW effects If Necessary
if all((Rgwac, Dsgw, Dagw, Dbgw, Dcgw)):
# Calculate Rselfgw
Rselfgw = Rgwac + Rd
# Append Right-Most Column
Rperlen = _np.append(Rperlen,
[[Rd], [Rd], [Rd]], axis=1)
# Append New Row
Rperlen = _np.append(Rperlen,
[[Rd, Rd, Rd, Rselfgw]], axis=0)
# Generate Imaginary Part
if any((De, Ds, rho)):
# Validate Inputs
if not all((Dab, Dbc, Dca)):
raise ValueError("Distance Terms [Dab,Dbc,Dca] Required")
if Ds is None:
raise ValueError("Distance Self (Ds) Required")
# De must be generated
if De is None:
if rho is None:
raise ValueError("Too few arguments")
De = de_calc(rho, freq)
# Generate LperLength Matrix
Lperlen = _np.array([
[_np.log(De / Ds), _np.log(De / Dab), _np.log(De / Dca)],
[_np.log(De / Dab), _np.log(De / Ds), _np.log(De / Dbc)],
[_np.log(De / Dca), _np.log(De / Dbc), _np.log(De / Ds)]
# Add GW effects If Necessary
if all((Rgwac, Dsgw, Dagw, Dbgw, Dcgw)):
# Append Right-Most Column
Lperlen = _np.append(Lperlen,
[[_np.log(De / Dagw)], [_np.log(De / Dbgw)],
[_np.log(De / Dcgw)]],
# Append New Row
Lperlen = _np.append(Lperlen,
[[_np.log(De / Dagw), _np.log(De / Dbgw),
_np.log(De / Dcgw), _np.log(De / Dsgw)]], axis=0)
Lperlen = Lperlen * (1j * u0 * freq)
# Add Real and Imaginary Parts
Zperlen = Rperlen + Lperlen
# Resolve to 3x3 Matrix if Needed
if resolve and all((Rgwac, Dsgw, Dagw, Dbgw, Dcgw)):
# Perform Slicing to Retrieve Useful Arrays
Za = Zperlen[:3, :3]
Zb = Zperlen[:3, 3:4]
Zc = Zperlen[3:4, :3]
Zd = Zperlen[3:4, 3:4]
# Calculate New (3x3) Equivalent Zperlen
Zperlen = Za - _np.dot(Zb, _np.dot(_np.linalg.inv(Zd), Zc))
return Zperlen
# Define Transposition Matrix Formula
def transposez(Zeq, fabc=1 / 3, fcab=1 / 3, fbca=1 / 3, linelen=1):
Transmission Matrix Equivalent Transposition Calculator.
Given the impedance matrix and the percent of the line spent
in each transposition relation (ABC, CAB, and BCA).
.. math::
f_{abc}Z_{eq}+f_{cab}R_p^{-1}\cdot Z_{eq}\cdot R_p+
f_{bca}Z_{eq}R_p\cdot Z_{eq}\cdot R_p^{-1}
.. math:
0 & 0 & 1 \\
1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 1 & 0 \\
Zeq: array_like
Per-Length (or total length) line impedance in ohms.
fabc: float, optional
Percentage of line set with phase relation ABC,
fcab: float, optional
Percentage of line set with phase relation CAB,
fbca: float, optional
Percentage of line set with phase relation BCA,
linelen: Length of line (unitless), default=1
# Condition Input
Zeq = _np.asarray(Zeq)
# Define Rp Array
Rp = _np.array([
[0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0]
# Define Inverse Rp Array
_Rp = _np.linalg.inv(Rp)
Zeq = fabc * Zeq + fcab * (_Rp.dot(Zeq.dot(Rp))) + \
fbca * (Rp.dot(Zeq.dot(_Rp)))
Zeq = Zeq * linelen
return Zeq
# Define GMD Calculator
def gmd(Ds, *args):
GMD (Geometric Mean Distance) Calculator.
Calculates the GMD (Geometric Mean Distance) for a system
with the parameters of a list of arguments.
.. math:: GMD=(D_s*D_1*\ddot*D_n)^{\frac{1}{1+n}}
Ds: float
Self distance (unitless), normally provided from
*args: floats, optional
Remaining set of distance values (unitless)
# Find the Root from Number of Arguments
root = len(args) + 1
# Calculate the Root Term
gmdx = Ds
for dist in args:
gmdx *= dist
# Apply Root Calculation
GMD = gmdx ** (1 / root)
return GMD
# Define Power-Factor Voltage/Current Relation
def vipf(V=None, I=None, PF=1, find=''):
Voltage / Current / Power Factor Solver.
Given two of the three parameters, will solve for the
third; beit voltage, current, or power factor.
V: complex
System voltage (in volts), default=None
I: complex
System current (in amps), default=None
PF: float
System power factor, (+)ive values denote
leading power factor, (-)ive values denote
lagging power factor; default=1
find: str, optional
Control argument to specify which value
should be returned.
V: complex
System voltage (in volts), default=None
I: complex
System current (in amps), default=None
PF: float
System power factor, (+)ive values denote
leading power factor, (-)ive values denote
lagging poer factor; default=1
>>> import electricpy as ep
>>> # Demonstrate the generic functionality
>>> ep.vipf(V=480, I=ep.phasors.phasor(20, 120))
(480, (-9.999999999999996+17.320508075688775j), -0.499999...)
>>> # Find the power factor
>>> ep.vipf(V=480, I=ep.phasors.phasor(20, 120), find="PF")
# Test to find Voltage
if isinstance(V, float) and isinstance(I, complex):
phi = -_np.sign(PF) * _np.arccos(PF)
V = V * _np.exp(-1j * phi)
# Test to find Current
elif isinstance(V, complex) and isinstance(I, float):
phi = _np.sign(PF) * _np.arccos(PF)
I = I * _np.exp(-1j * phi)
# Test to find Power Factor
elif all([V, I]):
phi = _np.angle(V) - _np.angle(I)
PF = _np.cos(phi)
# Failed Mode
raise ValueError("All values must be provided.")
# Return
find = find.upper()
if find == 'V':
return V
if find == 'I':
return I
if find == 'PF':
return PF
return V, I, PF
# Define Synchronous Speed Calculator
def syncspeed(Npol, freq=60, Hz=False, rpm=False):
# noqa: D401 "Synchronous" is an intentional descriptor
Synchronous Speed Calculator Function.
Simple method of calculating the synchronous speed of an induction machine
given the number of poles in the machine's construction, and
the machine's operating electrical frequency.
.. math:: \omega_{\text{syn}}=\frac{2\pi
Npol: int
Number of electrical poles in machine's construction.
freq: float, optional
Frequency of electrical system in Hertz, default=60
Hz: bool, optional
Boolean control to enable return in Hertz. default=False
rpm: bool, optional
Boolean control to enable return in rpm. default=False
wsyn: float
Synchronous Speed of Induction Machine, defaults to units of
rad/sec, but may be set to Hertz or RPM if `Hz` or `rpm` set to True.
if Npol == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError("Poles of an electrical machine \
can not be zero")
wsyn = 2 * _np.pi * freq / (Npol / 2)
if Hz:
return (2*freq / (Npol))
if rpm:
return (120 * freq)/(Npol)
return wsyn
# Define Machine Slip Calculation Function
def machslip(mech, syn=60):
Machine Slip Calculator.
Given the two parameters (mechanical and synchronous speed, or frequency)
this function will return the unitless slip of the rotating machine.
.. math:: \text{slip}=\frac{\text{syn}-\text{mech}}
mech: float
The mechanical frequency (or speed), of the rotating machine.
syn: float, optional
The synchronous frequency (or speed), defaults as a frequency
set to 60Hz, default=60
slip: float
The rotating machine's slip constant.
slip = (syn - mech) / syn
return slip
# Define 3-Phase Valpha Calculator
def phs3valpha(VA, VB=0, VC=0):
Three-Phase V-Alpha Calculator.
Accepts the three-phase voltages for which the accumulated Alpha voltage
should be calculated.
.. math:: V_{\alpha}=V_A-\frac{V_B}{2}-\frac{V_C}{2}
VA: [float, complex]
A-phase voltage, (or tuple/list of voltages), unitless.
VB: [float, complex], optional
B-phase voltage, unitless.
VC: [float, complex], optional
C-phase voltage, unitless.
Valpha: [float, complex]
Alpha-voltage as calculated from input three-phase voltages.
Matches type of inputs.
# Handle Combined (list/tuple) Input
if isinstance(VA, (tuple, list)) and VB == 0 and VC == 0:
if len(VA) != 3:
raise ValueError("Invalid input set, must "
"be list of three elements, three inputs,"
" or three array-like objects of equal "
Valpha = VA[0] - VA[1] / 2 - VA[2] / 2
# Handle Separated Inputs
Valpha = VA - VB / 2 - VC / 2
# Return the Alpha-Voltage
return Valpha
def wireresistance(length=None, diameter=None, rho=16.8 * 10 ** -9, R=None):
Wire Resistance Calculator.
Enter three values to calculate the remaing one. Even though every variable
is unitless, please use the International System of Units.
.. math:: R = \frac{\rho*l}{A}
length: [float], optional
Wire length, unitless
diameter: [float], optional
Wire diameter, unitless.
rho: [float], optional
Material resistivity, unitless
Default value is copper resistivity: 16.8*10-9
R: [float], optional
Wire resistance, unitless.
length: [float], optional
Wire length, unitless
diameter: [float], optional
Wire diameter, unitless.
rho: [float], optional
Material resistivity, unitless
Default value is copper resistivity: 16.8*10-9
R: [float], optional
Wire resistance, unitless.
if R == length == diameter is None:
raise ValueError("To few arguments.")
# Given length and diameter
if length is not None and diameter is not None:
# calculating the area
A = pi * (diameter ** 2) / 4
return rho * length / A
# Given resistance and diameter
if R is not None and diameter is not None:
# calculating the area
A = pi * (diameter ** 2) / 4
return R * A / rho
# Given resistance and length
if R is not None and length is not None:
A = rho * length / R
return _np.sqrt(4 * A / pi)
def parallel_plate_capacitance(A=None, d=None, e=e0, C=None):
Parallel-Plate Capacitance Calculator.
Enter three values to calculate the remaing one. Even though every variable
is unitless, please use the International System of Units.
.. math:: C = \frac{\varepsilon \cdot A}{d}
A: float, optional
Area of the plate, unitless.
d: float, optional
Distance between the plates, unitless.
e: float, optional
Permitivity of the dielectric, unitless.
Default value is the permittivity of free space: 8.854E-12
C: float, optional
Capacitance, unitless.
A: float, optional
Area of the plate, unitless.
d: float, optional
Distance between the plates, unitless.
e: float, optional
Permitivity of the dielectric, unitless.
Default value is the permittivity of free space: 8.854E-12
C: float, optional
Capacitance, unitless.
if C == A == d is None:
raise ValueError("To few arguments.")
# Given area and distance
if A is not None and d is not None:
return e * A / d
# Given capacitance and distance
if C is not None and d is not None:
return d * C / e
# Given capacitance and area
if C is not None and A is not None:
return e * A / C
def solenoid_inductance(A=None, l=None, N=None, u=u0, L=None):
Solenoid Inductance Calculator.
Enter four values to calculate the remaing one. Even though every variable
is unitless, please use the International System of Units.
.. math:: L = \frac{\mu \cdot N^2 \cdot A}{l}
A: float, optional
Cross sectional area, unitless.
l: float, optional
Length, unitless.
N: float, optional
Number of turns, unitless.
u: float, optional
Core permeability, unitless.
Default value is the permeability of free space: 4πE-7
L: float, optional
Inductance, unitless.
A: float, optional
Cross sectional area, unitless.
l: float, optional
Length, unitless.
N: float, optional
Number of turns, unitless.
u: float, optional
Core permeability, unitless.
Default value is the permeability of free space: 4πE-7
L: float, optional
Inductance, unitless.
if L == A == l == N is None:
raise ValueError("To few arguments.")
# Given area, length and number of turns
if A is not None and l is not None and N is not None:
return N ** 2 * u * A / l
# Given inductance, length and number of turns
if L is not None and l is not None and N is not None:
return L * l / (N ** 2 * u)
# Given inductance, area and number of turns
if L is not None and A is not None and N is not None:
return N ** 2 * u * A / L
# Given inductance, area and length
if L is not None and A is not None and l is not None:
return _np.sqrt(L * l / (u * A))
def ic_555_astable(R=None, C=None, freq=None, t_high=None, t_low=None):
555 Integrated Circuit Calculator.
Evaluate a number of common attributes related to the common 555 integrated
circuit including time period, frequency, duty cycle, time spent low during
each cycle, time spent high during each cycle.
TODO: This function should be broken into multiple smaller functions.
R: list[float, float] or tuple(float, float), optional
List of 2 resistor which are need in configuring IC 555.
C: float, optional
Capacitance between Threshold Pin and ground
f: float, optional
Electrical system frequency in Hertz.
t_high: float, optional
ON time of IC 555
t_low: float, optional
OFF time of IC 555
dict: "time_period": Time period of oscillating IC 555
"frequency": frequency of oscilation of IC 555
"duty_cycle": ration between ON time and total time
"t_low": ON time of IC 555
"t_high": OFF time of IC 555
if R is not None and C is not None:
if len(R) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Monostable 555 IC will have only 2 resitances to be fixed "
f"but {len(R)} were given"
[R1, R2] = R
T = _np.log(2) * C * (R1 + 2 * R2)
freq = 1 / T
t_low = _np.log(2) * C * R2
t_high = _np.log(2) * C * (R1 + R2)
duty_cycle = t_high * 100 / T
return {
'time_period': T,
'frequency': freq,
'duty_cycle': duty_cycle,
't_low': t_low,
't_high': t_high
if t_high is not None and t_low is not None and C is not None:
x2 = t_low / C * _np.log(2)
x1 = t_high / C * _np.log(2)
T = t_high + t_low
freq = 1 / (T)
duty_cycle = t_high / (T)
return {
'time_period': T,
'frequency': freq,
'duty_cycle': duty_cycle,
'R1': x1 - x2,
'R2': x2
raise TypeError("Not enough parqmeters are passed")
def ic_555_monostable(R=None, C=None, freq=None, t_high=None, t_low=None):
555 Integrated Circuit Calculator.
Evaluate a number of common attributes related to the common 555 integrated
circuit including time period, frequency, duty cycle, time spent low during
each cycle, time spent high during each cycle.
TODO: This function should be broken into multiple smaller functions.
R: list[float, float] or tuple(float, float), optional
List of 2 resistor which are need in configuring IC 555.
C: float, optional
Capacitance between Threshold Pin and ground
f: float, optional
Electrical system frequency in Hertz.
t_high: float, optional
ON time of IC 555
t_low: float, optional
OFF time of IC 555
dict: "time_period": Time period of oscillating IC 555
"frequency": frequency of oscilation of IC 555
"duty_cycle": ration between ON time and total time
"t_low": ON time of IC 555
"t_high": OFF time of IC 555
T = t_high + t_low
if R is None:
if not (C is not None and T is not None):
raise ValueError(
"To find Resitance, Capacitance and delay time should be "
return T / (_np.log(3) * C)
if C is None:
if not (R is not None and T is not None):
raise ValueError(
"To find Capacitance , Resistance and delay time should be "
return T / (_np.log(3) * R)
if T is None:
if not (R is not None and T is not None):
raise ValueError(
"To find Time delay , Resistance and Capacitance should be "
return R * C * _np.log(3)
def t_attenuator(Adb, Z0):
T attenuator.
The T attenuator is a type of attenuator that looks like the letter T.
The T attenuator consists of three resistors. Two of these are connected in
series and the other one is connected from between the two other resistors
to ground. The resistors in series often have the same resistance.
.. math:: R1 = Z0*(\frac{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}}-1}{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}}+1});
.. math:: R2 = Z0*(\frac{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}}}{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{10}}-1})
.. image:: /static/t-attenuator-circuit.png
Adb: float Attenuation in db
Z0: float Impedence
R1: float T attenuator R1
R2: float T attenuator R2
x = Adb / 20
R1 = Z0 * (_np.power(10, x) - 1) / (_np.power(10, x) + 1)
R2 = 2 * Z0 * _np.power(10, x) / (_np.power(10, 2 * x) - 1)
return R1, R2
def pi_attenuator(Adb, Z0):
Pi attenuator.
The Pi attenuator is a type of attenuator that looks like the Greek letter π.
The Pi attenuator consists of three resistors. One of these is connected in series and
the other two are connected in parallel to ground. The parallel resistors often have the same resistance.
.. math:: R1 = Z0*(\frac{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}}+1}{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}}-1})
.. math:: R2 = \frac{Z0}{2}*(10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}} - \frac{1}{10^{\frac{A_{db}}{20}}})
.. image:: /static/pi-attenuator-circuit.png
Adb: float Attenuation in db
Z0: float Impedence
R1: float π attenuator R1
R2: float π attenuator R2
x = Adb / 20
R1 = Z0 * (_np.power(10, x) + 1) / (_np.power(10, x) - 1)
R2 = (Z0 / 2) * (_np.power(10, x) - (1 / (_np.power(10, x))))
return R1, R2
# Calculate Zener Diode Resistor
def zener_diode_required_resistor(Vin, Vo, I):
Zener diode required resistance function .
A zener diode is uses to allow current to flow "backwards" when the zener
voltage is reached. This function use to calculate the required resistor
value following below formula:
.. math:: R = \frac{V_{in(min)} - V_{out}}{I_{load}+0.01}
.. image:: /static/zenerdiode.png
Vin: float
Minimum input Voltage in Volt
Vo: float
Output Voltage in Volt
I: float
Load Current in Ampere
R: float
Load Resistance in Ohm
# Solve Load Resistance
R = (Vin - Vo) / (I+0.01)
return (R)
# Calculate Zener Diode Power
def zener_diode_power(Vin, Vo, R):
Zener diode power loss function.
A zener diode is uses to allow current to flow "backwards" when the zener
voltage is reached. This function use to calculate the power in resistor
following below formula:
.. math:: P_R = \frac{(V_{out} - V_{in(max)})^2}{R}
.. image:: /static/zenerdiode.png
Vin: float
Maximum input Voltage in Volt
Vo: float
Output Voltage in Volt
R: float
Load Resistance in Ohm
P: float
Power on resistance in Watt
# Validate Inputs
if R == 0:
raise ValueError("Resistance Value can not be zero")
# Solve Load Resistance
P = ((Vo - Vin) ** 2) / R
return (P)
def lm317(r1, r2, v_out):
LM317 linear voltage regulator solver.
The LM317 is a linear voltage regulator that can be adjusted to supply a
specific output voltage. The LM317 has three pins, adjust, output and input.
The LM317 is often connected as in the image below. [1]_
.. image:: https://www.basictables.com/media/lm317-circuit.png
Formula to Calculate Output Voltage, R1, R2:
.. math:: V_{out} = 1.25 * (1+\frac{R2}{R1})
.. math:: R1 = \frac{1.25*R2}{V_{out}-1.25}
.. math:: R2 = \frac{R1*V_{out}}{1.25 - R1}
v_out: float, Optional
Output Voltage in LM317 in Volts
r1: float, Optional
r1 is resistance and is measured in ohm
r2: float, Optional
r2 is resistance and is measured in ohm
v_out: float
v_out is the output voltage and is measured in volt (V)
r1: float
r1 is resistance and is measured in ohm
r2: float
r2 is resistance and is measured in ohm
.. [1] Electronial, "LM317" BasicTables, Accessed May, 2022
if r1 is not None and r2 is not None:
# Returns Voltage
return 1.25 * (1 + (r2 / r1))
if r2 is not None and v_out is not None:
# Returns R1
return (1.25 * r2) / (v_out - 1.25)
if r1 is not None and v_out is not None:
# Returns R2
return ((r1 * v_out) / 1.25) - r1
raise ValueError("Invalid arguments")
# Define Module Specific Variables
_name_ = NAME
_version_ = VERSION
__version__ = _version_ # Alias Version for User Ease