
class electricpy.visu.PowerCircle(power_circle_type: str, power_factor: float = None, Vr: complex = None, Vs: complex = None, Pr: float = None, Qr: float = None, Sr: complex = None, Ps: float = None, Qs: float = None, Ss: complex = None, A: complex = None, B: complex = None, C: complex = None, D: complex = None)[source]

Plot Power Circle Diagram of Transmission System.

This class is designed to plot the power circle diagram of a transmission system both sending and receiving ends.


>>> import math, cmath
>>> from electricpy import visu
>>> visu.PowerCircle(
...     power_circle_type="receiving",
...     A=cmath.rect(0.895, math.radians(1.4)),
...     B=cmath.rect(182.5, math.radians(78.6)),
...     Vr=cmath.rect(215, 0),
...     Pr=50,
...     power_factor=-0.9
... )
power_circle_type : ["sending", "receiving"]

Type of power circle diagram to plot.

Vr : complex

Transmission Line Receiving End Voltage (phasor complex value)

Vs : complex

Transmission Line Sending End Voltage (phasor complex value)

power_factor : float

Power Factor of the transmission system, default = None

Pr : float

Receiving End Real Power, default = None

Qr : float

Receiving End Reactive Power, default = None

Sr : complex

Receiving End Total Complex Power, default = None

Ps : float

Sending End Real Power, default = None

Qs : float

Sending End Reactive Power, default = None

Ss : complex

Sending End Total Complex Power, default = None

A : float

Transmission System ABCD Parameters, A, default = None

B : float

Transmission System ABCD Parameters, B, default = None

C : float

Transmission System ABCD Parameters, C, default = None

D : float

Transmission System ABCD Parameters, D, default = None

__init__(power_circle_type: str, power_factor: float = None, Vr: complex = None, Vs: complex = None, Pr: float = None, Qr: float = None, Sr: complex = None, Ps: float = None, Qs: float = None, Ss: complex = None, A: complex = None, B: complex = None, C: complex = None, D: complex = None)[source]

Initialize the class.


__init__(power_circle_type[, power_factor, ...])

Initialize the class.


Plot the circle.


Print the data of the circle.