
electricpy.visu.powertriangle(P=None, Q=None, S=None, PF=None, color='red', text='Power Triangle', printval=False)[source]

Power Triangle Plotting Function.

This function is designed to draw a power triangle given values for the complex power system.

P : float

Real Power, unitless, default=None

Q : float

Reactive Power, unitless, default=None

S : float

Apparent Power, unitless, default=None

PF : float

Power Factor, unitless, provided as a decimal value, lagging is positive, leading is negative; default=None

color : string, optional

The color of the power triangle lines, default=”red”

text : string, optional

The title of the power triangle plot, default=”Power Triangle”

printval : bool, optional

Control argument to allow the numeric values to be printed on the plot, default=”False”


matplotlib.pyplot – or plotting.

Return type:

Plotting object to be used for additional configuration