
electricpy.fault.scMVA(Zth=None, Isc=None, Vth=1)

Short-Circuit MVA Calculator.

Function defines a method of interpretively calculating the short-circuit MVA value given two of the three arguments. The formulas are all based around the following:

\[MVA_{sc} = V_{th}*I_{sc}\]
\[V_{th} = I_{sc}*Z_{th}\]
Zth : float

The Thevenin-Equivalent-Impedance

Isc : float, optional

Short-Circuit-Current, if left as None, will force function to use default setting for Vth. default=None

Vth : float, optional

The Thevenin-Equivalent-Voltage, defaults to a 1-per-unit value. default=1


MVA – Short-Circuit MVA, not described as three-phase or otherwise, such determination is dependent upon inputs.

Return type:
