
electricpy.fault.distmeasz(VLNmeas, If, Ip, Ipp, CTR=1, VTR=1, k0=None, z1=None, z0=None, linelength=1)[source]

Distance Element Measured Impedance Function.

Function to evaluate the Relay-Measured-Impedance as calculated from the measured voltage, current, and line parameters.

VLNmeas : complex

Measured Line-to-Neutral voltage for the faulted phase in primary volts.

If : complex

Faulted phase current measured in primary amps.

Ip : complex

Secondary phase current measured in primary amps.

Ipp : complex

Terchiary phase current measured in primary amps.

CTR : float, optional

Current transformer ratio, default=1

VTR : float, optional

Voltage transformer ratio, default=1

k0 : complex, optional

Residual Compensation Factor

z1 : complex, optional

The positive-sequence impedance characteristic of the line, specified in ohms-per-unit where the total line length (of same unit) is specified in linelength argument.

z0 : complex, optional

The zero-sequence impedance characteristic of the line, specified in ohms-per-unit where the total line length (of same unit) is specified in linelength argument.

linelength : float, optional

The length (in same base unit as impedance characteristics) of the line. default=1


Zmeas – The “measured” impedance as calculated by the relay.

Return type:
